2012 presidential campaign getting social with YouTube

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In an age where a person can “friend” someone in a different time zone or “tweet” thousands of followers simultaneously, it’s no question that social media have changed how we interact with each other. Although these newer platforms may have crippled traditional media, it also provides a source where news can spread in a matter of seconds – literally. It’s not an uncommon occurrence to get your daily newsfeed instantly from a Twitter stream or your friend’s status update rather than a newspaper.

The 2008 presidential election marked an impressive advancement in social media as supporters flocked to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr to influence peers and soon after celebrate, or rebuke election results. Social media outlets are once again making a big appearance in the 2012 presidential campaigns, notably through YouTube. The online community can stream and follow live debates via YouTube through the introduction of virtual town halls. During the debates, viewers have the option to chime in by submitting questions during the presidential debates.

For now, the YouTube Town Hall is an outlet for members of Congress to discuss the most important issues of the day expressed by the YouTube community. Viewers can search topics of interest and watch two members of Congress debate the issue. After watching the short videos, viewers can click to support which side of the argument they agree with.

This coming January 2012, YouTube will host a debate where members in the online town hall meeting can challenge contenders in the Republican party to help voters make a decision on who they want as their frontrunner against President Barack Obama.

As more and more people cling to social media, it may become the dominant way of communication.

What do you think of the Presidential Campaign’s efforts to connect with more people through social media? Will you participate in YouTube’s Town Hall?

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