6 Tips for Back to School Success

6 Tips for Back to School Success

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How did we arrive at this time of the year already? It feels like we only just welcomed in the lazy days of summer and now our calendar says school days will arrive before we know it.

As we anticipate the beginning of a new school year, we know this brings about a change of routine, shopping, excited kids, (maybe reluctant kids?), and lots of prep for success. No matter how much we get things ready, the first day of school can prove to be a bit hectic and stressful, as well as exciting and fun. This big day for our families only comes once a year! Preparing makes a huge difference.

Sure, you probably already know the tips about starting your school-days sleep routine well before the first day of school and labeling all your kids’ clothes. So we dug a little deeper to come up with a few more tips we think can help your family feel even more ready for heading back to school.

  1. Organize the work station or desk area your kids use to do homework. As you shop for school supplies for the classroom, also shop for items you need at home and restock what you need. A clean and tidy homework area makes the process more appealing.
  2. Stock your home with the foods you need for school lunches and healthy snacks for after school. Maybe you eat differently during the summer months, so make sure the items you need for the first few weeks of school get purchased to avoid last minute shopping for cheese sticks.
  3. Speaking of food, plan your dinners for the first nights of the school year and shop for what you need. Running to the grocery store after the first day of school makes the day even more stressful. (And looking ahead to tip number 6, you have other things to do!)
  4. Write a note to your child’s teacher or principal telling them you look forward to the year ahead. No, this doesn’t mean you’re working to be the “teacher’s pet.” A genuine note of appreciation starts the year off on a positive note and teachers love it!
  5. Be careful of the first day of school photos you post on social media. You take a darling photo of a group of kids on the first day of school and want to post it to Instagram. Wait before you do this – did you get permission from all the families? Maybe some parents want to keep their kid’s identities private. Be respectful of group photos you post.
  6. This time of year means school work for parents, too! Carve out time in the evening or the afternoon of the first day of school to fill out papers, sign handbooks, go online to update information, or any other task your school requires.

By thinking ahead and creating strategies for a smooth back to school transition, your family can enjoy a successful start to the school year. Stay tuned for our post next week: Fun Family Traditions for the First Day of School. We wish you a smooth back to school transition!

Featured Image: Shutterstock
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