Best back to school tech gear for kids

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Every year the back to school shopping list seems to get longer – and a little bit more expensive. Getting your kids what they need always seems to be a problem. So here’s a cheat sheet of the five best tech items for back to school that virtually goes for all age groups.

1. The best back to school software. For a child entering elementary, middle or high school, it’s important to have updated software on their computer, whether it’s a home computer or laptop.

The big gun in the world of software would be Microsoft Office, which has program capability for Mac or PC computers. Microsoft Office outfits your computer with Word for writing papers, PowerPoint for presentations, Excel for making spreadsheets and charts, and even more depending on the version you’re buying.

I’d suggest buying either Office Home and Student 2010 or Office Home and Business 2010 (which comes with Outlook). Both versions come with a 60 day free trial.

2. Tunes: Having something to unwind to on the bus ride to or after school is always a safe haven for kids. iPod Shuffles can be bought as low as $50, and other MP3 devices can be found at a similar price. Sitting with your kids and helping them make a favorite playlist can be a great way to get kids excited and thinking about school.

3. USB flash drive: This is a big one for any supply list for kids in the 21st century. Even second and third graders are using computers in the classroom and many of them are typing up their work. A USB flash drive makes it easy for kids to work on projects at school and at home. It’s also nice for mom to have one place to save your child’s work from an early age on. A 4-gigabyte flash drives can be bought from Best Buy for under $7.

4. Eco-friendly paper products: There’s no need to kill a rainforest to buy your kids’ notebook and paper supplies this year as most major school suppliers have gone green. Pottery Barn sells water resistant fabric homework holders. Avery offers plastic dividers. And Staples has a their Eco Easy product line of eco-friendly notebooks, composition books, binders and more including a bamboo USB drive.

5. The backpack: Tech advances give parents and kids endless opportunities for backpacks. There are bags that charge laptops while you walk. There are bags with a cooling area for snacks. There are also solar-charging backpacks – the possibilities are endless.

The most universal tech savvy backpack is Pottery Barn Kids’ Mackenzie backpack, which features pockets for MP3 players, and openings to pull out the ear buds, keeping the devices secure and dry in the bag. Plus it’s made from high tech water resistant fabric, provides roomy storage, and has a laptop sleeve for the super high tech teen. In addition, it has outside buckles for clipping on a lunch box, and optional waist straps to support a student’s back.

What do you consider the ultimate back to school tech gear for your child?

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