A Reason to Tremble by Bob Mustin tells a chilling story of the Shane family, who is determined to bring justice to the hit and run driver that killed their ten-year-old daughter Emily one fateful night in their fictional town of Hope, Georgia. Unsatisfied with police performance, the Shane family takes the investigation into their own hands, eventually exposing secrets that even the police have not uncovered.
When Emily’s father Pat gets thrown into jail for interfering with a capital case, her uncle Jason, a Vietnam War veteran, grudgingly takes over. Jason, already burdened with fighting his own post-traumatic battles, gets confronted with even more struggles, leaving both the Shane family and town of Hope with untied emotional loose ends.
A Reason to Tremble sets emotions running high from page one: from the death of a beloved daughter to the depressing crises of an injured war veteran, Mustin truly gives the reader a reason to tremble. Written from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Mustin delivers an unexpected plot strung with real-life issues.
From family drama to legal woes, the Shane family is challenged to overcome smaller battles while striving to uncover the real truth: who was responsible for the tragedy that left their family and town in shambles?
Disclaimer: Mom Central Consulting received a copy of A Reason to Tremble facilitate this review.