Domain Name Mapping »
Each blogging platform has different ways to set up domain mapping, so you’ll need to refer to the domain help files for the blog platform you use. Self-hosted blogs have domain mapping set up by their hosts during install.
Read more...Guest Blogging Can Help Increase Your Traffic »
We all want to get paid what we’re worth, especially when our blogging evolves into a paying career. However, there are times when giving away your content is a good thing. When you guest blog, your host’s readers will be exposed to your work, maybe for the first time. If they like what you wrote, hopefully they will follow the link back to your blog, like what they see, and become regular readers. This way you increase your traffic and recruit new readers.
Read more...Is It Time to Give Your Blog a Makeover? How to Pick a Blog Designer »
There’s a time in every blogger's life where using the standard blogging platform template isn’t enough. Sure many of us can tweak column sizes and colors with relative ease, and we may be able to add a homemade banner, too. Still, when you want to take your blogging to the next level, maybe you should consider calling in a professional to give your blog a makeover. So, how do you find a blog designer?
Read more...Say It Better with Pictures: Sourcing Images »
Notice how a magazine or newspaper article is usually accompanied by a picture? Well, you should be doing the same thing on your blog. Using a photograph or illustration in a post looks more professional, and gives the eye a break from reading blocks of copy. So where can you get pictures and how do you use them properly? Part 1 of this series will cover sourcing images. Part 2 will cover how to use them properly – both from a design and a legal standpoint.
Read more...My Whirlwind Social Media Tour: Lessons Learned So Far »
I’m off to BlogWorld Expo in Vegas this week after having recently attended BlogHer Food, IZEAFest and Kashi’s Mom Blogger Event as part of my “5 trips in 35 Days” whirlwind social media tour. (My tour ends in November at the FoodBuzz Blogger Festival.) Call it serendipity, but the same themes kept popping everywhere I went:
Read more...How Moms Can Squeeze Blogging into Their Hectic Lives »
People ask me how I manage to write for so many blogs. I tell them I write fast and keep a big supply of 5-hour Energy bottles in my desk. In reality, keeping up one blog or several is all about organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling your time – and using the right tools.
Read more...On a Budget? How to Cut Blogging Conference Costs »
As busy Moms, we have to pick which conference(s) will meet our goals to become better bloggers. (Maybe you want to go just to hang out with friends in real life. That’s A-OK, too.) Whatever the reason for wanting to attend a conference, the biggest hurdle most bloggers have to overcome is the matter of money. How can you afford to go?
Read more...Getting bookie with it: books about blogging »
We've covered online problogging classes in the form of mentoring programs and downloadable ebooks which are also categorized within our 'Training' category. Your local library and bookstore are also great resources on learning how to blog better. Here are a handful of great publications (and Kindle books) to help you get started:
Read more...Your Online Profile: How to Get a Good Headshot »
Recently, I had a new headshot taken by Aimee Giese of Greeblemonkey. My last professional photograph was taken in 2006 and I had been using a picture a friend took two years ago in all my online profiles. I was way overdue for an update.
Read more...How to Copyright Your Blog »
We’re 20 days into the new year. Have you changed the copyright date on your blog yet? (I just did it yesterday on both my personal blogs and the blogs here at Mom Central. Oops.)
Read more...Becoming a better blogger: online problogging classes »
I took Yaro’s Blog Mastermind blogging class when it was first launched back in 2007, mostly because Darren Rowse recommended it. Also, it was one of the only online problogging classes that allowed you to pay monthly instead of paying the entire fee upfront.