Amazon Associates Affiliate Program Now Integrated with Blogger Blogs »
Last week, Amazon announced their new program Amazon Associates for Blogger, a direct integration between Amazon Associates, their affiliate program, and Blogger. This new collaboration makes it easier for bloggers to monetize their content by adding relevant Amazon product links to blog posts without interrupting the blog editing process. Amazon Associates for Blogger is now available on the Associates Central webpage.
Read more...Taking the (Link)bait »
When I was in high school, there was a word I hated: social climber. I abhorred that word because it conjured up creepy crawly images of icky people that were disingenuous by nature and just, well, ick. Now there's a new word I detest for much the same reason: linkbait.
Read more...Blog to Win? Blogger Beware! »
There seems to be this new phenomenon occurring in the blogosphere. Every day my inbox seems to have an influx of pitches asking me to blog about a topic or product or service for the chance to win a gift card.
Read more...Win a Pork Be Inspired gift pack! Tangerine Pork Stir Fry »
I constantly find myself stuck in a cooking rut. Making the same rotating meals, my taste buds crave creativity topped with a dose of inspiration. One meal that could use some shaking up: my go-to pork chop recipe.
Read more...Banana Crumb Muffins »
Walking into the kitchen to find my banana adorning a new outfit of brown speckles sparks a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand, my ruined cereal topping plans make my rumbling stomach all the more apparent. Then, my baking side kicks into gear now having an excuse to whip out the mixing bowls.
Read more...Crave-worthy Curry Chicken Salad »
When the weather gets warm, and boy has it been warm here in Boston, the thought of standing in front of a stove or turning on my oven is enough to make me start sweating. On most days, when the temperature tops 90 degrees, I crave something light and fresh, but basic garden greens can get boring fast. Earlier this spring, I was in the mood for something with a punch of flavor, and stumbled on a fantastic recipe for curry chicken salad. Though intended for a sandwich, I paired mine with a bowl of chopped iceburg and couldn’t have been more pleased.
Read more...Calling All Gaming Enthusiasts! Holiday 2012 Playstation 3 Sneak-Peek from Sony »
Entertaining and ever-popular, video games always have a place on kids’ holiday wish lists. With a seemingly endless array of choices for games and systems, picking the perfect takes searching and careful consideration. On July 20th, Sony offered gaming enthusiasts a preview of their new products for Playstation 3 at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City.
Read more...“But Mom, everyone has a cell phone!” »
The days of finding crumpled up notes from school in the bottom of kid’s backpacks have passed. Now kids walk around with heads buried in their cell phone screens, texting as young as elementary school age. When should parents allow their kids to enter this world of cell phone ownership? Does the decision come with strict rules and regulations? These questions and more come without easy answers.