Bloggers are people, too »
We all know the type – a blogger who sits perched behind her desk all day blogging, tweeting, Facebook’ing like crazy. Telling all and leaving nothing out. Chances are, if you met her, she would be a laugh a minute, the life of the party, and your new BFF. Or, maybe not.
Read more...EatSmart Precision Plus Bathroom Scale »
Monitor the progress of your dieting goals with the new Precision Plus Bathroom Scale from EatSmart. Equipped with a 4-inch LCD display, this sleek scale provides quick and accurate weight readings down to the nearest 0.2. The only drawback? Sucking in your stomach won't fool its digital reading. Read more and enter to win your own Precision Plus Scale here.
Read more...Brunching with Arbor Mist and the Hostess with the Mostess »
On a recent Friday morning, I was invited to attend a brunch held by Arbor Mist and hosted by Jennifer Sbranti, the Hostess with the Mostess, at the gorgeous Rooftop Garden Room at the Gramercy Park Hotel. As an avid brunch fan, I was thrilled to attend. Seriously, I will travel anywhere at any time of the morning to have brunch with friends or family.
Read more...Jeopardy! goes high tech with Watson the Supercomputer »
When it comes to shows that no one will ever seem to tire of, Jeopardy! definitely sits near the top of the list. I know that, just like me, there are plenty of you out there who will sit in front of an episode of jeopardy and shout out the answers in question form as if Alex Trebek can actually hear you. Well last week, we might all have met our ultimate Jeopardy match as the show paired up with IBM to bring us a few special episodes featuring Watson – a supercomputer.
Read more...Traveling the world with Google’s Art Project »
First of all, I love art. I may not know the history behind it or the context within which it should be viewed, but I certainly love to look at it. From historical paintings such as Diego Velázquez’ The Surrender of Breda to Salvador Dalí’s surrealist masterpiece The Persistence of Memory, to even those modern works of art that don’t seem to have any real meaning, I find art to be beautiful and intriguing.
Read more...GE Nucleus- the Power to Reach the Core of Energy Usage »
Another one of the innovations that caught my attention at CES 2011 was the GE Nucleus. While only about the size of a cell phone charger, the GE Nucleus may soon become the energy command center for the average home.
Read more...Touch the Future: LG Plasma Screen TVs »
Picture this: You stroll into your living room to find your daughter drawing a colorful mural across the LG plasma screen. But wait- now imagine yourself picking up a pen and drawing with her. The new LG Touch TV not only allows you to access the Internet, but also supports controlling and editing data directly through the touch screen.
Read more...Blast Off Through the Universe of Math! »
Blasting through the universe of math since 1985, Math Blaster is finally arriving at its new home-! Launched early in January, the program allows kids to initiate space missions through the new universe of aliens, astronauts, galaxies and of course the Intergalactic Space Patrol (ISP) while practicing and reinforcing a variety of math skills.
Read more...Get Moving With Kinect for Xbox 360 »
Dance through the streets, raft through the Amazon rapids, and climb behind the wheel of the fastest racecar, all without leaving your living room or picking up a controller. Kinect for Xbox 360 offers a new and fun way to get you and your kids off the couch and into the motions of a video game.
Read more...Get Heart Healthy with Campbell’s Soup Company & Enter to Win! »
Now that Valentine’s Day has passed, we can fully pay attention to the hearts that matter rather than the paper cut outs or the ones made of chocolate. February not only showers us with hearts from cards and candies, but it also takes the title of Heart Health Awareness Month. More than ever, women must take an interest in their heart health since heart disease ranks as the number one preventable killer of women.
Read more...Planning time for travel plans »
As the car meandered down the interstate towards the setting sun, the children turned to each other in the back seat and said with wide grins, “Wow! That was the best vacation we’ve ever had!”