Why I blog »

People are super curious about bloggers. I'm constantly being asked things like, why did you start your blog? How do you keep up with it? OMG, you got that for free??


Diaper bags good enough for dads »

I never considered the thought that the very pretty and stylish diaper bag I picked out for my registry might not look as cool on my husband. Sure, he’s in touch with his feminine side, but he does deserve to carry his baby daughter around without schlepping the flowery tote I picked out to suit my taste.


An allergy free Thanksgiving: Sweet Potato Boats and Stuffing »

Thanksgiving is a culinary challenge at my house. My mother-in-law is gluten free. And my daughter, Lucie, is allergic to nuts and has been placed on an egg free diet for a few weeks to see if that will clear up her eczema. Trying to find recipes that are nut-free, egg-free and gluten-free (or coming up with some good substitutions) can be daunting!


San Francisco in 36 hours »

Last week, my colleague, Matt and I, headed to San Francisco for a client luncheon event. We needed to be there the day before the event to scope out the area and prepare, but wanted to be back home as soon after the event as possible. We opted for an early morning flight to minimize jet lag on the way there and a red eye on the way back to save time, leaving us with 36 some-odd hours to do our work and explore some of the city.


Tech tips for Black Friday shoppers »

I understand that trying to wake up after a day full of gorging yourself on turkey, carbs, and a bit more turkey is a difficult. The deep tryptophan sleep is hard enough to shake off so you can watch a football game or maybe one of those holiday specials that they started airing far too early this year.


Have some fun in the kitchen with the Pop Art Toaster! »

As the mom of a curious and very busy toddler, I can attest to the need for stimulating and exciting toys, games and activities. The older she gets, the more she wants to explore and test her boundaries – especially in the kitchen. I love her interest and desire to help me cook dinner or bake cookies, but those activities can sometimes be challenging due to hot stoves, wobbly little hands and messy ingredients.


Blog to win? Blogger beware! »

There seems to be this new phenomenon occurring in the blogosphere. Every day my inbox seems to have an influx of pitches asking me to blog about a topic or product or service for the chance to win a gift card.


Thanksgiving eve: the long journey home »

To all you road warriors dreading your holiday travel this month: fear not. Although traveling a great distance the day before Thanksgiving ranks just above “insert bamboo shoots in fingernails” and just behind “sitting through an entire off-Broadway rendition of ‘Phantom of the Opera’ starring Steve Urkel” on anyone’s list of desires, here are some surefire ways to reduce the airport stress.


Take a bite out of Apple Cupcakes »

Baking cupcakes are all the rage – there's even a television show devoted to two women running a cupcake store, appropriately named The Cupcake Girls.


Technology connections for military families »

When my husband can't be home for dinner my boys and I miss him. Our family has a lost piece without him there. Some weeks we don't have dinner for several nights in a row due to various commitments, but at least I get to kiss him good night when he comes home late.


Catch some powder with EpicMix’s app for snowboarders and skiers »

Social media surrounds us now and it seems there is an application for absolutely everything. From turning on a light switch to tracking a bus schedule, the possibilities for applications are endless. To stand out among the many different applications available, new apps have to draw in the attention of numerous users, and beat out their competition with fun and interesting features. I’ve found just this in a new application called EpicMix.