Angelina Jolie Writes About Her Preventive Surgeries

Angelina Jolie Writes About Her Preventive Surgeries »

Medical decisions can range from controversial and dangerous to embarrassing or uncomfortable, especially when you are a celebrity forced to live life in society’s spotlight. I remember clearly when I learned Angelina Jolie Pitt underwent a preventive double mastectomy.

Let’s Move! Encouraging and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for our Children

Let’s Move! Encouraging and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for our Children »

First Lady Michelle Obama, at the Let’s Move! Campaign launch in 2010, said, “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake.” This is a serious problem, and the intrepid First Lady has worked hard in the last five years to find...

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never »

Traditionally, crafting in all its forms has been passed down from one generation to the next. Grandmothers taught grandkids to knit, while Moms ensured their daughters could run a sewing machine. So what happened to me? I grew up with an immensely talented mother who could crochet, knit, sew, and quilt with the best of them. Every year my sister and I started school with intricately crocheted vests and matching purses..

Welcome to Sincerely, Sissy

Welcome to Sincerely, Sissy »

I’m so happy you stopped by. In this space I hope to share with you my current musings in the fashion and lifestyle categories. Like many, I’m inspired by my surroundings and am like a little magpie stealing looks from whatever shiny thing catches my eye that week.

Deliciously Inspired

Deliciously Inspired »

Food. No matter what your eating preferences, nationality, or childhood experiences, food remains a bearer of memories, the center of social gatherings, and a creative outlet for us all. Growing up in a Greek/Italian home, food has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember.

The Mane Event This Spring – COLOR!

The Mane Event This Spring – COLOR! »

With the change of season, often comes the desire to color and/or cut our hair to feel freshened up after a long winter. For many going extreme isn’t recommended, unless you’re reality star Kim Kardashian or Broadway’s Indina Menzel who both...

From Toddlers to Teen, and Life in Between

From Toddlers to Teen, and Life in Between »

Who am I? I am a Mom, a Wife, a Marketer. I am a blonde, a summer lovin’ gal, and a jokester. I am strong, I am weak, I am learning. It’s hard to describe who you are to people who don’t know you at all.

How To Dad

How To Dad »

I've often said that parenting my 4 small children requires more creativity and multitasking than nearly any profession. Like most parents, I've also learned that a universal murphy's law of parenting is that when one parent is out of town...