Clear Eyes Launches ‘My Shining Moment’ with Vanessa Williams

Clear Eyes Launches ‘My Shining Moment’ with Vanessa Williams

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Disclosure: We were granted exclusive quotes from Vanessa Williams in order to facilitate our post. All opinions are our own.

There’s nothing like seeing the world through a child’s eyes – the wonder, the excitement, everything is so fresh and new. Whether it’s observing our children’s reactions, or taking in the beauty of the world around us, our sight is a gift worth treasuring and taking care of, one of the many reasons to take care of our eyes with Clear Eyes products.


Clear Eyes, the #1 selling brand of eye drops, just launched its first-ever sweepstakes, My Shining Moment, with a new TV ad spot and digital online art gallery, featuring longtime spokesperson Vanessa Williams. The touching My Shining Moment campaign celebrates the moments when we look and feel our best because our eyes are clear and comfortable – moments when we feel we truly shine!


In addition to the television ad, the digital gallery features photos and videos of shining moments experienced by a variety of creative influencers, including professional eye portrait photographer Bridges Aderhold. Clear Eyes invites fans to share their own Shining Moment via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #MyShiningMoment for a chance to win a trip to Miami, Florida for an exclusive, private photo shoot with Bridges Aderhold.


Below, Vanessa Williams shares her thoughts exclusively with Mom Central about the campaign and her role as Clear Eyes’ spokesperson, diving into her career as an actress, sharing some parenting advice, and highlighting the shining moments she believes helped lead to her success:

Q: When it comes to your family, what do you consider your shining moments?

A:  I think when it comes to family particularly being a mother of four, you know the first shining moment is looking into your newborn’s eyes and seeing them as a person.  There’s nothing better than that. The surprise of having the gift of producing this human being and then seeing what their personality is and looking into their beautiful, naïve, completely unfiltered eyes is probably the best feeling in the world and I can’t wait to have grandchildren. And I can’t wait to experience that again.

Q: When you think about your childhood, what shining moments stand out for you?

A: Well both my parents were music teachers so I think I was surrounded by music and I had no choice to be musical or have some kind of profession in the arts, so there are so many shining moments that I had growing up but it’s the achievement again. My dad started me on the piano and then I got better. Being able to sit and play the piano is a shining moment because you worked hard. I played French horn, was in the marching band, in the orchestra and chorus and every musical, and I choreographed and danced, and all these things that I was exposed to prepared me to be who I am now and why I’m still in the game, why I have longevity at 54 years old. So I thank my parents for giving that groundwork; the experiences that I can tap into. But also, I had parents that believed in me and said “don’t get a real job” but they believed in me as a an artist and they said that if you want to do it you’re going to have to work hard, find the rightmajor, find the right school, and we’ll be there to support you. And, there are so many artists that don’t have the same support. Arts are a real job, dancing is a real job, music is a real job – and it should be respected and I was really lucky to have a team that allowed me to do it.

Q: What was it like to record some of that childhood in your bestseller with your mom?

A: It’s a joy to look back and see what you’ve gone through and where you are now and that path got you to where you are. And also the book that I did was an autobiography with the help of my mother’s voice. So, what I loved about the concept it was kind of a point counterpoint where I would talk about my experience and my mother would talk about what she viewed as a parent during that experience, so you get two different kinds of perspectives on my life but you also see what my mother had to go through during her life and why she is the woman that she is and what made us the mother and daughter duo that we are. So I believe there are no such things as mistakes in life. She was meant to be my mom and the reason why I am the person that I am [is] because of both my parents and I’m so happy that she’s still here and still the same and still a fighter. And the older that I get, the more parallels I see in my personality with my mother.

Q: You’ve talked little bit about the many roles and the many hats you wear in your life. When you think about your life and some of the sentiments you just shared – what is your shining moment?  

A: Just turning 54, I’ve got 54 years of shining moments in my lifetime and I think the older and wiser you get, the more you value the journey. And I think the shining moments are definitely counteracted by the times you struggled but it makes you appreciate the shining moments even more. So I am happy for my journey – I am right where I am supposed to be – and I’m looking forward to where I’m going in the future. Shining moments are when you are truly your authentic self when you get a chance to shine, whether you’re on stage, whether it’s being who you are really meant to be and people see it. And that’s another one of the lessons I try to impart to people [who] are younger and looking for guidance. No matter what happens in your life, the dust will settle and people will truly get a chance to see who you really are.

The digital gallery and sweepstakes is running today through October 15, 2017. Submit your My Shining Moment photo or video to be entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to receive an all-expense paid trip to Miami, FL for a private photo shoot with Bridges Aderhold.

For full sweepstake rules, and more information on My Shining Moment and Clear Eyes, please visit

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Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey