Creative First Day of School Traditions

Creative First Day of School Traditions

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Creative First Day of School Traditions 2Think back to your first days of school… did you sing a certain song to mark the day? Wear a special outfit? Do something unique to celebrate the beginning of another school year? The start of school gives families so many opportunities to have fun and create traditions. By choosing even one of our suggestions below, your kids will have memories of terrific, exciting first days of school. Or you can go all out and do everything on the list! No matter if you choose one or all, these ideas can create fun for years to come, not to mention also create some cherished memories:

1- Browse previous years’ school photos the night before the first day of school. You and your kids will love seeing how much they’ve grown.

2- Get together with families of kids in your grade right before school starts. Plan a potluck at a park or a beach to celebrate the beginning of a new school year and reconnect with friends you missed over the summer.

3- Make a special first day of school breakfast for your kids. This meal happens only on the first day of school and this makes it a wonderful treat!

4- Take an individual and a group photo in a specific place in your home every first day of school right before your kids head out the door. Not only will you document those special, first day of school ensembles, it proves a fun way to note their growth each year.

5- A fun spin on the note-in-the-school-lunch-box: instead of a note, print out your own school photo from the same school year your child just started. This will certainly put a smile on their face!

6- Go out to breakfast with your own friends or meet up for coffee after you drop the kids off at school. (The parents get to have some traditions just for them!)

Most importantly, on that first day of school, stop and pause to take a good look at your sweet, fabulous kids. Then give them a massive, big hug and a kiss goodbye – even if all their friends are watching! This day only comes around once a year. Make it a great one!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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