Dads Use “Dad Lens” to Make Family Purchases

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On Sept 7, we sent a press release of the official results of an indepth study we conducted recently, as well as formally announcing the creation of Dad Central Consulting.

We searched quite a bit online for recent research about the purchasing habits of Dads, and found very little that was current. Because we have access to a huge research panel at Mom Central, we were able to put the call out for participation from Dads, and were able to get several hundred responses overnight. Thanks to all those that helped by completing the survey, or forwarding the survey link to your friends!

You can get a copy of the research overview by filling out a quick form to have a link to the published study sent to you.

Here are a few of my favorite parts from the survey of over 700 Dads with kids under 18 at home:

  • 77% – being a Dad significantly influences how I make decisions
  • 82%  – being a Dad influences who I trust when I seek advice
  • 92%  – I make purchases through a Dad Lens™
  • 68%  – my purchasing is influenced by the needs and interests of my family
  • 56%  – report making more purchasing decisions than before becoming a Dad
  • 67%  –  trust other Dads more than TV or print advertising, or articles
  • Dads connect with other Dads mainly through one-on-one conversations, work, Facebook, and email

Some more interesting facts in the study, we hope you’ll check it out!  If you have any questions, let us know.

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