Eliminate the Need for Bulky Coolers and Ice Packs with the PackIt

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Tired of fumbling around for ice packs and worrying about how long they would actually keep their kids’ lunches cold, single Moms Melissa Kieling and Jeanette Dirksen took matters into their own hands, and PackIt was born.

Made with a built-in gel pack, the Packit personal cooler offers Moms an easy way to pack lunches and snacks. Simply fold the bag so it lies flat, and then place it into your freezer. The built-in gel pack keeps food and beverages cold for up to 10 hours – that’s practically an eternity compared that to the cooling life of an ice pack, which stays cool for 2 hours at most.

In addition to relieving fears about your child’s school lunch, the PackIt also makes a great beverage cooler for picnic trips to the park or beach. Unlike bulky plastic coolers, the durable fabric PackIt bag folds up neatly for easy transport and storage.  Made from eco-friendly materials, lead free fabrics, and non-toxic cooling gels, these colorful bags combine style with functionality.

Each bag retails for $19.95. Read more about the MomPreneurs behind this practical cooler solution, and purchase your own PackIt here.

Disclosure: Mom Central received a PackIt to facilitate this review.

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