Have No Tolerance for Plaque with the Oral-B Black 7000 Electric Toothbrush with SmartGuide

Have No Tolerance for Plaque with the Oral-B Black 7000 Electric Toothbrush with SmartGuide

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Written By: Lorianne Lacey 
Influence Central received the Oral-B Black 7000 Electric Toothbrush to facilitate our review. All opinions are our own. 

oral-b-toothbrushAs many of us have made resolutions to be healthier this year, one of my resolutions is to best maintain a healthy smile. I switched to an electric toothbrush a couple years ago at the recommendation of my dentist, who said that an electric brush would really help my gums and teeth stay strong and healthy, and could eliminate unplanned trips to the dentist’s chair. I hadn’t done much research into the brush I purchased, but even with a basic electric toothbrush, I saw noticeable results and haven’t developed any new cavities since my electric switchover!

With my toothbrush starting to lose its power, I wanted to start off 2015 with a truly state of the art toothbrush that would be an even better tool to achieve healthy teeth and gums, and discovered the Oral-B Black 7000 Electric Toothbrush with SmartGuide.

This toothbrush is truly a sophisticated and well-appointed system. It offers a whopping six High-Performance Brushing Modes: Daily Clean, Deep Clean, Whitening, Massage, Sensitive and Tongue Cleaning, to help you achieve the optimal brush based on your goal. I love that you can customize your brushing experience, and find myself rotating most between the Daily Clean, Deep Clean, Massage and Tongue Cleaning modes. Included with the toothbrush comes two additional brush heads, ideal for whitening and sensitive modes. Another great feature is the travel case, allowing you to easily take this toothbrush with you when leaving the house, while protecting the technology while you are on the go.

The Oral-B Black 7000 is SMART. It features pressure-sensor technology alerts you if you’re brushing too hard and automatically decelerates the pulsation and oscillation speeds of the brush head.


One of my favorite features of the Oral-B Black 7000 Electric Toothbrush is the SmartGuide. SmartGuide wirelessly connects to your brush, giving you real-time information about brushing modes, times, and areas. It counts down to the recommended two minutes of brushing that is recommended by dentists, and alerts you when you have completed it. It also serves as a great system to track with brushing mode you are using, which is displayed across the top of the guide based on what function you are using on the brush. This is very convenient, since it can be challenging to remember which of the six modes you are using without it. Conveniently, it doubles as a sleek extra bathroom clock, and can be rested on the sink or a shelf, or mounted to the wall.


I’ve had nothing but great experiences with this brush. My mouth feels clean and my teeth look great. I look forward to maintaining a healthy smile this year through with the help of the Oral-B 7000 Black Electric Toothbrush!

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