Hidden gems at Cape Cod

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When traveling somewhere for the second, third, or tenth time, don’t succumb to the thought, “I’ve seen it all.” No matter where your travels lead you, if you look close enough you can discern the hidden gems – the teal streak on the pigeons neck, the burnt-match looking stamens within the tulip, or the heart shape stones hiding in the coves near the sea shore. New experiences don’t require new geographical locations. Take my word for it, I’ve been to Cape Cod every summer since I was give and I’m nowhere near close to being able to say, “I’ve seen it all.”

Sometimes you just can’t afford to travel, especially with a large family. This is where the creative ability of being able to experience an old location in a brand new way truly becomes a priceless skill. When you think of a location what comes to mind? The stereotypes. Cape Cod: beach, sand, sailing, fish and chips. Now try, Cape Cod: farm, road race, authentic Italian. This is exactly the way I would describe my latest Cape Cod adventure.

There’s more to Cape Cod than beach and sea

My family and I normally camp in Bourne. So naturally, I urged them to try something new. Falmouth here we come! I conveniently helped to schedule our vacation for the week of the Falmouth Road Race – yet another experience I had yet to partake in. We arrived in August and on the first night we began making the trip our own. We drove past about 10 seafood restaurants before arriving at a quaint Italian spot called Osteria La Civetta. I couldn’t even pronounce the name – definitely not stereotypical Cape Cod. The next day we asked an older couple who lived in the town year round where we could go for a new, non-tourist experience. Off to Coonamessett Farm we went!

The Falmouth Road Race

Suddenly Cape Cod was more than beaches- it was gorgeous crop fields, farm animals, and a café with fresh grown vegetable wraps. The next day was the race. I woke up at 6:30 AM and drove down to Falmouth High School. After a short bus ride, I was at the starting line. The gun went off and one of the most amazing runs of my life began. The run took me down along the beach side and up into the small side streets of cottages and cheering families out to support the runners. I’ve never felt so welcomed by Cape Cod.

Every year when my family and we plan to reinvent Cape Cod for ourselves. We seek out what the tourists can’t see and make a new vacation out of the same geography. Redefine the stereotypes for yourself and create and adventure while doing it. The clichés can describe anyone and everyone’s trip to a destination. It’s the original details that only you can recount that make even a nearby destination an unforgettable vacation.


Jen Collins is an intern at Mom Central, a college student, and forever a kid at heart.

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