Let’s Get This Party Started

Let’s Get This Party Started

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No matter the season, inviting people over for a gathering creates a chance to connect, enjoy, and relax with friends and family. If the idea of opening your home to your friends sends you running to lock your doors, we came up with a few tips to help you swing your doors wide. Even if you routinely invite people over with open arms, we hope a few of these ideas add inspiration to your next party.

Let your friends help: potlucks give everyone a chance to contribute and this makes guests more comfortable.

Fake it, don’t make it! There’s nothing wrong with putting a store-bought lasagna into your own lovely cookware. No one needs to know. Or tell everyone and laugh!

Clean up this house! –or don’t: Sure, we see images all over the place of a perfect party, but keep your focus on why you want people in your home: to have fun and enjoy each other! As long as the piles of folded laundry get put away and you give your bathroom a fresh scrub, your friends will feel relaxed and grateful for the invitation.

To theme or not to theme, that’s the question: If you like themed parties and get inspiration from them, go for it. If a themed party creates too much work and keeps you from inviting people over, stay away.

Start small: invite just a few friends over to play board games and eat dessert as a way to give party-throwing a try. If this works well, invite more people in the future. Or keep it small – whatever works!

Party with a purpose: certain times of year get busier than others. Invite friends over to create holiday gifts or end-of-the-year teacher gifts. Everyone leaves feeling accomplished!

Accept assistance: sure, you’re the hostess with the mostest, but accept an offer of help with the dishes. You’ll get to bed earlier when everyone leaves and you get one-on-one time with your friend as you clean up together.

Now that you read through our list, a party seems doable, doesn’t it? We hope so! Send out the invitations, or just make a few phone calls, cook a second pot of pasta, or add more stock to the soup to stretch it farther, and get your party started. Just do whatever it takes to create a gathering. We’ll bring the wine – or sparkling cider – for everyone!


Photo Credit: Getty Images 


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Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro