New weather app helps you look at the bright side

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As a resident of New England, I know all too well not to take “extended forecasts” too seriously, as we have some of the most unpredictable weather in the country. Let’s take the past seven days for example, last week was gorgeous: hot, sunny and in the 80s. Picture-perfect weather. The past two days in contrast: cold, rainy and in the 50’s.

Hey, at least we have something to blame for getting sick – that wacky up-and-down weather! (I don’t know how that actually impacts viruses and bacteria, but that’s another blog topic!) And what about how the weather affects our mood? Who doesn’t notice an instant lift in their spirits when it’s a gorgeous day, and feel completely down and dreary when stuck in a cold and rainy weather pattern (like we do oh-so-often in Boston!)

The Optimistic Weather App

According to a recent Huffington Post article, Optimistic Weather App Lies To You About Tomorrow’s Weather, a new app for the Android is looking to help make people look at the bright side of things. This new app tells you the current weather, but lies about the day after. According to the article:

“The British digital design and production studio Nation is responsible for the meteorological optimism and says that they are well away of the frivolity of their creation: We thought it would be a nice idea (given the current British ‘summer’) to build a weather app that in essence lied to you and made you look on the bright side. Regardless of the next days weather it will tell you it’s going to be a lovely sunny day.”

You can find the Optimisic Weather App here.

Take it day by day

So, what do you think of this concept? Are you the type to plan your week based on the extended forecast? Or, have you learned to never trust the “sources” and truly take things day-by-day?

I mean, who can argue how good it feels to see seven sunny icons for the seven-day forecast? Especially when it comes to summer vacation plans.

But at the same time, haven’t we learned the hard way to never truly trust the experts? As a mom, I personally think it’s a smart idea to have a flexible plan for each day with the kids. I like to keep options open for both indoor and outdoor fun, so I’m never stuck in my tracks when the weather doesn’t cooperate with that “they” said!

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