Taking in the Samsung Experience at Best Buy!

Taking in the Samsung Experience at Best Buy!

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Mom Central was invited to a Samsung event at Best Buy. All opinions are our own.

These days, there are few instances where we are taken by surprise, especially when it comes to the technology we use. We live our lives with the attitude that we have simply seen it all. Touch screens: been there; voice commands: done that; rarely are we pleasantly wowed by a new product on the market, so much so that it makes us second guess our current choices in the ways we communicate with others and run our lives.

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of attending an intimate event at our local Best Buy on behalf of Samsung. We were given the opportunity to participate in a demo of their new Galaxy S4 model smartphone to check out the new features and functions of this updated model. As we walked into the demo we were a bit skeptical due to the face we are not currently Samsung phone users and felt very committed to our current choice in smartphone.

Upon our arrival we looked around for where the demo was taking place and were instantly drawn to the center of the store where a branded Samsung booth was assembled. We were greeted at the Samsung Experience Shop by an extremely friendly and knowledgeable team from Samsung, ready to show us all that Samsung has to offer in the form of mobile technology. It is important to note that at these Samsung Experience Shops, the representatives are all Samsung trained professionals. They stand ready to help you with all your specific questions about your device, in comparison to a Best Buy employee who may just have a basic knowledge of the product. As we were led around the various tables, we got to see, test and touch everything from the Galaxy Note 8.0 to the new Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone. After a brief tour through the product line, we were able to see for ourselves the great features the Galaxy S4 offers.

Our Samsung experts showed us the innovative options that the Galaxy S4 offers. One of our favorites was the amazing swipe and hover functions of the phone, allowing you to preview content on your phone by sampling hovering your finger over the icon or swiping your hand over the device to turn a page or even answer a call. What impressed us most were the features that allowed for a more social experience. By simply tapping phones or joining a group, you and your friends can share screens as well as explore each other’s favorite music, files and games.

Samsung Galaxy Note
The features we couldn’t get enough of were the camera options. No need to divert to an app for filters, the Samsung Galaxy S4 has them all built into your smartphone to use in live time! Capturing action shots, creating animated gifs and isolating the perfect snapshot are just a touch away with these innovative functions.

We left the store with a much better understanding of the Samsung brand as well as their entire line of products and how they work together to create the best user-friendly experience for all. We even found ourselves second-guessing our current choice in smartphone and are looking forward to testing out both the Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy Note 8.0! Stay tuned to learn more in the coming weeks. In the meantime, click here to learn more about new Samsung Products and the Best Buy Samsung Experience Shops near you!

Featured Image Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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