Take on Your Fitness Resolutions with New Balance 860v6

Take on Your Fitness Resolutions with New Balance 860v6

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NewBalance1Despite the colder weather experienced across much of the country, getting more active, healthy and fit seems to remain a top new year’s resolution. Whether we commit to take the family pet on more walks, take a morning run a few days a week, or increase our time at the gym, there’s no better time of year to motivate ourselves to go the extra mile. I found that by ensuring I have the best workout and training gear on hand, I’m more likely to be excited to stick to my goals, which is why I was excited to try the New Balance 860v6 running shoe.

NewBalance2The beautiful royal purple color first attracted me, complemented with a bright spark of neon green for some pop. I love the stability it provides without sacrificing style. When partaking in high impact cardio workouts such as cardio kickboxing or Zumba, or even extended stints on the treadmill, I need a shoe that supports my ankles well, and these shoes impressed with even during my highest impact workouts.

NewBalance3In reading about these shoes, I see that two of New Balance’s premium foams work together to provide the soft, smooth landing experienced when wearing the shoe. The stability proved very noticeable, and Post-applied dual-density medial post supported by T-Beam offers non-negotiable stability. The cushioned insole also provides arch support, with durable comfort.

With the 860v6, I have the confidence, comfort, and support to know that I don’t need to cut my workouts short in 2016. Let’s get those resolutions in action! The New Balance 860v6 retail for $119.99 on the New Balance website.

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Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey