Translation apps for the worldly traveler

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A few years ago, I ventured into Vietnam, the tropical land where my ancestors came from. I’d never been to Vietnam, so I didn’t know what to expect besides the insanely hot heat. Travelling to a foreign country can be exciting, but also terrifying at the same time. Worrying about surviving in a completely different culture can make your head spin. In addition to adjusting to the time zones, currency, and culture, I had to figure out how I was going to communicate with the people! Although I speak fluent Vietnamese, I never learned to read or write it and being able to pick up a few words off of a street sign wasn’t going to cut it. Luckily, I my mom was with me and I could just follow her around.

But what about the rest of us?

If you’re travelling to an unfamiliar country and don’t speak the native language, I suggest investing in a translation dictionary. For the tech savvy, there are multiple smart phone applications that serve as quick translators. Free Translator is a popular iPhone application used to translate languages to and from English. Google goggles can also be used to translate different languages.

A newer, and extremely cool, application (currently only available for the iPhone) is Word Lens. This application is able to translate signs and text through your iPhone’s camera. Check out the demo video. Hopefully Word Lens will make our travels easier by expanding its language database as well as becoming available on other smart phones.

Although completely immersing yourself in a foreign culture and language can be intimidating, it’s the best way to learn. Jump right in and have fun!


Michelle Moore is an intern at Mom Central.

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