Using technology to keep friends and family updated on baby’s important moments

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For new moms, finding the time to do just about anything other than focus on your little one can be a challenge as days quickly fill with feeding, changing, soothing and just being with your baby. Along with the new responsibilities of motherhood comes the need to keep parents, friends and relatives updated with pictures, videos, and stories of baby’s “firsts.” Creating a central online site can make it easier to keep everyone in the loop.

If you’re looking to get up and running with a site, here are a few options you might consider:


With more (grand)parents signing up for an account everyday, we’re seeing more and more moms use their profile to share photos and daily updates. Some even opt to create a unique user account for their baby.


Many established mom bloggers began their careers with a basic blog to keep far-away family in the loop. While many platforms offer users the opportunity to get creative this may not be the right option for the less tech-savvy Mom. If you’re interested in getting started, get advice on Mom Central’s Blogger University blog.

Smart phone apps

Search your favorite app store for “baby book” and you’ll likely find options that allow you to capture and share baby’s big moments. We love the idea of a program that goes where you go so you can make updates when you have a free second, whether you’re at your computer or not.

Baby websites

Some Moms opt to create a custom website for their little ones. If you’re not a designer, sites like TotSites and BabyHomepages provide easy-to-customize templates where you can upload photos, keep a growth chart, and log milestones in a journal. Many sites offer free accounts, with the option to upgrade for more features.


Megan Maguire (@megan_maguire) is an Account Manager at Mom Central Consulting.

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