Would You Force Your Kids Into Sports?

Would You Force Your Kids Into Sports?

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Kids Sports2I’ve been in the “mom space” for many years now. First, as a mom reaching out for camaraderie and support online just personally, and later, for my job. One subject that I’ve seen come up time and time again is whether there exists value in forcing our children to participate in organized sports.

We’ve all heard and read stories about crazy “sports parents” who push their kids to excel in sports, saying it’s for the kids’ own good, but likely also as an outlet to live out their own unfulfilled sports dreams, or to somehow make them seem like better parents.

Then there are parents who let their kids choose everything. Perhaps remembering being not-so-gently nudged into sports as kids themselves and hating it, or because they simply believe in letting their kids call the shots, and follow their hearts, natural talents, and interests.

Me, I’m somewhere in the middle. My daughters have been raised with the understanding that exercise is a necessary part of healthy living. It’s as important to our bodies as are fresh air, sleep and good nutrition. I also believe that there are huge personal advantages to both team, and individual sport pursuits. So at my house, the kids get to choose the sport, but have to stick with it until the end of the session. After that, they’re free to pick something else.

What’s your philosophy on kids and sports?


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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Natalie Rea
Natalie Rea
Mom to two amazing daughters - a feisty teen in middle school, and an ambitious young adult in university. Originally from Montréal's West Island, I now explore the beautiful trails of Hamilton, Ontario. Proud Canadian, vegetarian, dog-adopter, & bleeding-heart liberal. I smile a lot because I have Resting Bitch Face.
Natalie Rea