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Every April since 1970, we have recognized National Autism Awareness Month to spread information about Autism. Autism can appear in children during their first three years of life and a child’s disability can range on the Autism Spectrum from mild to extreme. Since some people on the mild end of the spectrum are highly functional, we may not realize that we have encountered people living with Autism; however, in reality, the prevalence of Autism has risen to 1 in every 110 births in the U.S. and almost 1 in 70 boys.

While the numbers, still on the rise, can seem overwhelming, you have numerous treatment options if your child is diagnosed with Autism. Although incurable, the symptoms of Autism can be controlled. Taking the time to educate friends and family also will aid in making living with Autism easier if those around you all understand the implications of the disorder.  

Sensory issues prove a prevalent symptom to many living with Autism. From not liking the texture of tomatoes to not being able to wear a t-shirt because the tag rubs them the wrong way, sensory issues create minor struggles that can add up in day-to-day life to create a larger hassle for those living with Autism.

One solution that many have found to be helpful has been the creation of weighted clothing or blankets. These items help calm down those living with sensory issues – may they be living with Autism or another sensory disability – by giving them a secure feeling, almost as if they are receiving a hug. A common item for children to wear has been the weighted vest, but some children will put up a struggle when being asked to wear one.

After experiencing her own struggles trying to get her son to wear weighted vests to calm him down, one Mom from North Carolina decided to create her own weighted shirts that were fun for her son to wear, and the Wiggly Worm was born. Using tagless T-shirts, bright colors, and personalized designs, she sewed pockets strategically into the shirt to distribute small sandbags of weight evenly to get the same effect that a weighted vest would offer. The main purpose of the removable weights is to avoid having to add and remove a garment whenever the child needs to put on or take off weights.

This giveaway is now closed.

You can also visit the Wiggly Worm Etsy shop at to order a personalized t-shirt and browse the options.

Disclosure: Mom Central received weighted t-shirts courtesy of Wiggly Worm to facilitate this review and giveaway.

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