Working on the road with Verizon wireless MiFi

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Back when I was a kid and my family took vacations, it meant my dad couldn’t get a hold of his office and his office couldn’t get a hold of him. Gone are the days of unplugging from work when taking a family vacation. Thanks to wireless connections and smart phones, you can check email, access the Internet, and post to social networks easily while on a family trip.

Taking Verizon wirelss MiFi on the road

Our family recently traveled around the state of Utah, and my husband had to process and read applications and resumes while we were on the road. Although Internet access is available at most hotels and motels, the reception can be poor and the connection may not be secure. So, my husband’s work provided him with a Verizon wireless MiFi, which made all the difference.

A decade ago, he would have brought the stack of papers submitted by the applicants, read them, taken notes, and call his colleague to compare their thoughts. On our trip, he was able to access, and read applications and resumes online. He then took notes in a Word document, emailed it to his colleague, and compared notes via emails. The interviews were set up for the day after we returned from our vacation.

MiFi keeps you connected

The MiFi didn’t get reception everywhere, like in some of the national parks. However, it proved to be a valuable tool while we explored a state far from home. He had full access to everything he needed and work had full access to him.

It requires a monthly data plan, but if you travel often and need to access the Internet, it’s worth the expense and may be cheaper than paying for Internet access at your hotel.

If you want your time on vacation to be an absolute cut-off from all things plugged in, you may want to think carefully before you get Verizon wireless MiFi for yourself! Otherwise, it’s a valuable tool for bringing your work with you while you try to “get away from it all.”

Do you and your family unplug during family trips? Or do you bring laptops, tablets and smart phones to stay connected to work?


When Eileen Calandro isn’t traveling with her family, she is the Chief Mom Connector of Mom Central. You can learn more about her other adventures on her personal blog at and connect with her on twitter at @MomCentralChat and @calandro5.

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Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro