Your Freelancer’s Resolution: Smart Planning with bSolo

Your Freelancer’s Resolution: Smart Planning with bSolo

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For those of us who are on staff at our companies and receive regular paychecks, I know we all can grumble about how many deductions come out for state and local taxes, but we can all appreciate not having to go back and calculate those costs on our own, or ultimately end up with an unplanned payment to the government at the end of the quarter.


In this “gig economy” where many of us wear lots of hats, people are freelancing more and more. Freelancers take on the burden of planning out their quarterly tax payments on their own, and it can be quite stressful until you have figured out a system that gives you the working capital you need while ensuring you have enough to pay your bills.

bSolo logo

Enter bSolo, a very helpful tool for freelancers that empowers them to pre-plan their quarterly taxes while still having control of their money. It offers a payroll-like structure that is designed with freelancers in mind, empowering them to have control over their finances while removing the administrative burdens of tax payments.


What sets bSolo apart is it really has its freelance customers in mind. The company itself employs many freelancers and understands their needs and pain points. bSolo takes the burden out of planning and lets freelancers do what they best and focus on the work they love.
There are just a few steps to make pre-planning a breeze with bSolo.

Add tax deadlines to your calendar, gather up last year’s tax return documents, calculate what you owe, and set aside money for taxes.


There is also a comfort in the fact that if you need to utilize any of the funds with which you were planning to use to pre-pay quarterly taxes, you would be able to access that at any time, as it is your money. bSolo makes it easy! The dashboard allows you to easily see and manage your finances.

Account Dashboard Without Savings - Standard

Should you have any questions there is US-based customer support and very straightforward resources and instructions available to users.

Free self-employed and freelance resources – bSolo

bSolo offers currently offers three months FREE, so test out your first quarter with this helpful administrative tool. Then you can choose from monthly or discounted quarterly pricing with no commitment required.


Make smart planning one of your New Year’s Resolutions today!

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Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey