$30 Can Make You a Better Blogger and Help You Build Traffic

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If you’re going to make an investment in your blogging this year, you should check out two ebooks being offered by a couple of top bloggers – Darren Rowse of CopyBlogger and Chris Garret of ChrisG.com.

Darren Rowse’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

The downloadable workbook gives a series of 31 tasks to help bloggers get their blogs going or revitalized. Usually this is offered as an online course over a month, but this way you have it all in one ebook.

Each day you get:

  1. A Task – something to DO.
  2. A Lesson – each day you’ll be given instructions on both the WHY and HOW of the task of the day.

The workbook is available for you to purchase and download now for just $19.95. It has a 30 day money back guarantee to ensure that this is the right purchase for you.
You can purchase it directly here or get more information on the workbook and bonuses here. It’s such a great deal that I’m going to buy a copy myself!

Chris Garrett’s Guest Posting Workbook

I’ve written about how guest blogging can help increase your traffic. But Chris goes one step further with his Authority Blogger ebook, Guest Posting for Targeted Links and Quality Traffic. Chris explains how guest posting can help you:

  • Increase traffic
  • Get more subscribers
  • Boost your exposure and credibility
  • Expand your audience reach
  • Network your niche
  • Build quality links that Google will love

Even better he gives you a game plan, a step by step procedure on how to effectively guest post. His ebook also comes with:

  • a checklist
  • a flow chart “process map”
  • a guest posting “mind map”
  • a video presentation to show you how guest posting can help your blogging goals

The ebook took me 20 minutes to read and gave me a surefire plan on how to effectively create guest posts to give me positive results.

You can learn more about and order Chris’ Guest Posting Workbook for $10 here.

Anne-Marie Nichols is the Social Media Manager at Mom Central Consulting. You can also find her blogging up some healthy recipes at This Mama Cooks!

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Anne-Marie Nichols
Anne-Marie Nichols
Anne-Marie Nichols