Accu-Chek Connect Keeps You Connected to Your Child with Type 1 Diabetes

Accu-Chek Connect Keeps You Connected to Your Child with Type 1 Diabetes

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All parents worry about their kids. Every milestone reached introduces us to new ways for us to be concerned. When you parent a child with Type 1 diabetes, these considerations can seem endless and take a toll on your own well-being. With the connectivity of Accu-Chek Connect, parents can know blood-sugar levels and communicate with their children to best manage their health and their worries, alleviating some of the stress of living with, and managing, Type 1 diabetes.

Sending kids off to school, or to a sleep-over, or eventually off to college, presents a more difficult situation for a parent of a child with Type 1 diabetes. But with Accu-Chek Connect, no matter where your child goes, the connected monitor, app, and online portal gets you information easily. When your child checks their glucose levels, the results get transmitted to their phone. This then gets sent to a parent or anyone else who needs the information from an auto-generated text. Parents can check results and communicate what should be done, if anything, immediately. These results store for later review by healthcare professionals.


The infographic below shows the stress parents deal with when their child lives with Type 1 diabetes. Headaches and worry levels increase dramatically. The desire to “helicopter parent” becomes a stressor for the children and can even create a situation that keeps children from being age-appropriately independent. Using Accu-Chek Connect may decrease the levels of stress and helicopter parenting shown here.


During the month of November as National Diabetes Awareness month, we think the connectivity and communication with the Accu-Chek Connect system could provide ways for families to get the help with managing glucose levels they need. For more information about the Accu-Chek Connect system, you can visit their website here.


Photo Credits: AccuChek & Getty Images 


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Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro
Eileen Calandro