Off the beaten path in Panguitch, Utah at the Gem Theater »

We made the promise to my oldest son years ago as we waited in line at midnight for the release of the long-awaited seventh book in the series. It went something like this: “When the last Harry Potter movie comes out, we promise to take you to the midnight screening.” Jump ahead to a month ago. Our family sat at the edge of Bryce Canyon in Southern Utah overlooking the view, the last Harry Potter movie was scheduled to start in about 12 hours. And I faced breaking that promise. The nearest movie theater was at least 80 miles away.


Fall-tastic family travel »

September means backpacks, homework, and busy schedules. From packing lunch boxes to lacing up your child’s new soccer cleats, the fall often leaves you and your family wishing that summer vacations that took months to plan hadn’t flown by so quickly.


Labor Day Blueberry Cobbler »

My favorite part about the end of summer is berry season – the guarantee that I can put blueberries on my cereal in the morning, because my family always picks too many at the start of the season.


Jazzing up your summer salads »

Somehow we’ve reached the end of August. Here in the Northeast, cooler weather looms around the corner. If we’re luckily, we'll enjoy warm sunny days for a few more weeks. While I'd never complain about beautiful weather, in the kitchen, I've hit the summer doldrums. Having tapped all my light lunch cool dinner recipes, most everything seems old and unappealing. Searching for something new, I came across a 2009 New York Times article that gives 101 fresh ideas for jazzing up a salad. Here are a few of my favorites:


Saucy Steak Supper: “More Than Gourmet” Adds More Than a Little Elegance »

I think it must stem from my childhood love of macaroni and cheese (OK, I still eat it whenever I get the opportunity), fettuccine Alfredo (an adult version of mac ‘n cheese), and Chicken Supreme – a wonderful dish my mother made back in the ‘70s featuring chicken simmered in a can of cream of mushroom soup spooned over rice. Haven’t had it in 30 years, but I still think about it.


Historical East Coast fall family travel »

In the fall, many historical places on the East Coast bring visitors through a sea of picturesque foliage unmatched by any other region. Watching the leaves change from summer green to fall red, orange, and gold brings autumn brightness and warmth to all travelers and residents. The combination of rich history and brilliant natural scenery make this time of year a wonderful opportunity for families to travel to historic sites.


Brookstone 4-Way Charger and more cool gadgets! »

A few weeks I attended a Brookstone BlogHer Store Event, while out in San Diego for the BlogHer 2011 Conference. We met at the Brookstone store in Horton Plaza, and had a great time learning more about their newest products. The best part was the undivided attention we got from the fun and boisterous sales staff, getting the chance to try out all the latest items from their bed, massage and bath/spa products. Who doesn’t love exploring around a Brookstone?


A New Type of Nutrition: Vemma »

Taking vitamins does not lie on the top of my favorite activities list. Always purchasing multi-vitamin supplements with the best intentions, the containers generally remains three-quarters full until the time the expiration date rolls around. Either from forgetfulness, or the sheer dislike for swallowing pills, the vitamins simply never live up to their healthy expectations.


Hot Off the Press: National Panini Month and Sargento Giveaway »

Many of my childhood memories surround meal times. Macaroni and cheese lunches with friends and Mom’s spaghetti and meatballs dinners seem especially palpable after all these years.


Keep Clutter to a Minimum with the Callet »

Shoving credit cards, I.D.s, and cash in between your iPhone and case may lessen the load when running out to take care of errands, but the awkward moments that ensue as you stumble to unwrap your items make this solution far from ideal. Tired of struggling with this problem, a group of young entrepreneurs set out to find a solution. Their creativity and innovative thinking soon gave birth to the Callet.


Becoming a Better Blogger: Online ProBlogging Classes »

When I posted Two Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills, I mentioned online writing classes. But did you know that there are online problogging classes, too?