When You Can’t Hit Ignore, Motorola Answers Hands Free »

The cell phone rings as you drive down the street shuttling your kids to their next activity. While you try to resist the urge to answer, the anxiety from the thought that it may be an emergency wins over. Juggling driving, talking on the phone, and quieting the kids turns a short drive into a nightmare.


Can You Hear Me Now? »

When the phone rings, chaos ensues. Moms know the feeling as objects shuffle around in their permanently full hands. The race to locate the receiver, along with the uncomfortable positioning of the phone between your shoulder and ear, sends many calls into a sea of frustration. Sound familiar?


Easy homemade fresh fruit ice cream »

July is National Ice Cream Month! Instead of heading out to your local chain ice cream shop to celebrate, save money by making a batch of ice cream from scratch using Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk.


Sunny times with the family in the Great Northern Catskills »

We were invited by the Great Northern Catskills of Greene County to stay a weekend at Sunny Hill Resort and take a tour. “Going to the Catskills” is a phrase in NYC that conjures images of big open spaces, green mountains and lazy moments. We were lucky to experience all three! The weather was spectacular in June (we went Father’s Day Weekend) and we kept asking ourselves, “Why aren’t we up here more often?”


2012 presidential campaign getting social with YouTube »

In an age where a person can “friend” someone in a different time zone or “tweet” thousands of followers simultaneously, it’s no question that social media have changed how we interact with each other. Although these newer platforms may have crippled traditional media, it also provides a source where news can spread in a matter of seconds – literally. It’s not an uncommon occurrence to get your daily newsfeed instantly from a Twitter stream or your friend’s status update rather than a newspaper.


Some of the best children’s museums in the U.S. »

As you meticulously craft your family’s checklist to have the best summer ever, you don’t have to compromise education for fun, contrary to what your kids might say! Visiting your local children’s museum can provide an action-packed day for the whole family!


Cocktails and mocktails inspired by The Help »

I loved the trailers for the upcoming movie, The Help, on their Facebook page so much that I’ve started rereading the book on my Kindle. Maybe I’ll sit on the back deck this weekend while I read and sip one of these The Help-inspired cocktails (Maybe a non-alcoholic mocktails would be a better idea? Don’t want to doze off in the middle of a chapter!)


Ditch the Buzzer and Wake Up with iHome GlowTunes »

After a busy day consumed by work and errands, nothing sounds better than hopping into bed and drifting off into a quiet, peaceful night’s sleep. But not too far into my slumber, a loud, obnoxious buzzer interrupts my sweet dreams… my alarm clock has a funny way of greeting me in the morning! Let’s face it, nobody likes to be woken up by something that sounds like a foghorn.


Southern pie and cake recipes inspired by The Help »

The #1 New York Times best-selling book, The Help, is coming to the big screen on August 10! If you’re lucky enough to live in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Baltimore, Houston and Dallas-Ft. Worth, you can purchase tickets to a special 7 pm showing on August 9. Call 1-800-347-6396 for more information.


The Madonna Inn: more than just a potty stop »

You should have gone before we left! You know you’ve said this on a road trip a thousand times with dread. However, if you’re driving through San Luis Obispo, California, you’ll be glad someone asked to stop. San Luis Obispo is the home of the Madonna Inn, one of the most interesting places to stop for a bathroom break in the state of California, if not the entire United States.


Kokopax baby gear review and diaper tote giveaway »

As any Mom can attest to, deciding which baby gear to use can be quite overwhelming. Especially for the first-time pregnant mom who may not even know what kind of gear she’s going to need.