Summer fruit recipes from All You magazine »

Have you had the chance to check out All You, the magazine available at Walmart stores nationwide? I enjoy it because it gives you practical and affordable information on beauty, home decorating and fashion as well as smart health advice.


Stop callin’, stop callin, I don’t wanna talk anymore… »

Lady Gaga hit the nail on the head: no one wants to talk anymore. Instead, we are so caught up in our multiple ways of communication that involve, let’s face it – VERY LITTLE actual interaction, that we have become lazy communicators.


Win a NurturMe Large New Feeding Gift Pack »

Navigating your child through the discovery of solid foods can be quite an adventure. It doesn’t matter how many children you have, each baby has their own personality, taste preference and tolerance when first eating solids.


LEGO Universe update: Forbidden Valley Dragon Raceway and Nexus Tower opens »

Hey folks! I want to talk about two fantastic new features in LEGO Universe. The first one is the Forbidden Valley Dragon Raceway, an awesome, but also very hard, new race track. This new track has sharp turns, no edges, and is crawling with maelstrom. Plus, if you want, you can purchase some brand new race cars from the vendor right there on the LEGO Universe site. For those wondering how to get there, the track is in Forbidden Valley and all you have to do is find the jumper near the ronin area by the praying mantis pets.


Medieval Times: not just dinner and a show »

My youngest son finished learning about monarchies, castles, and England in his preschool a while ago and came home with the question, “Can we go see a real castle, Mommy?”


Father’s Day Books from Simon & Schuster »

An overzealous parent screaming on the side of the little league field is an iconic image of kid’s sports in America today. Scott Gummer analyzes how parents navigate the complex emotions that are tied to youth sports today with shocking wit, humor, and truth in his book, “Parents Behaving Badly”.


Delicious Summer Berry Trifle »

While I’ve quite the sweet tooth, cake doesn’t thrill me. My fork navigates around the cake, scooping up the frosting and whipped topping instead. When my summer birthday comes around, I instead request a mixture of all of my favorites: berries, whipped topping, pudding, and angel food cake. Combined into a trifle bowl, I blow out the candles on a towering, layered creation.


Pay by smart phone with Google Wallet »

Keeping up with today’s technology is a definite challenge. Everyday there’s a new way to connect and communicate. Big companies have seen the profit from these advances. Also, they’re all competing to see who can develop better strategies to connect with consumers in a more convenient manner. Google is about to change the game with Google Wallet.


Buying a new smart phone »

In today’s fast paced society, technology advancements are made at such an overwhelming rate that the changes are baffling and confusing consumers more then assisting them. Buy the iPhone 3g now or wait for the 4g? Why buy the 4g when you know the 5g will come out months later.


Eliminate the Need for Bulky Coolers and Ice Packs with the PackIt »

Tired of fumbling around for ice packs and worrying about how long they would actually keep their kids’ lunches cold, single Moms Melissa Kieling and Jeanette Dirksen took matters into their own hands, and PackIt was born.


Record Recitals, Concerts, and More on Your iPod with the Mikey »

Blue Microphones, makers of high quality audio equipment and accessories, have released a portable microphone called the Mikey. Designed for the iPod, the Mikey offers mobile recording for concerts, interview, and lectures. Learn more about the Mikey and enter to win your own.