UNT Skincare: special gift for Mom Central members plus a giveaway for moms to be! »
As a Mom of two small kids, I know how important it is to find quality skincare products for babies that are both effective, yet gentle. My kids have very sensitive skin and seem to break out in a rash whenever they come in contact with something new. I feel we are constantly applying creams and ointments every night to combat the ingredients that irritated their precious little arms, legs and faces during the day.
Read more...Babble’s 50 Best Design Blogs For Mom »
Next time you need some design inspiration get your creative juices flowing, take a look at some of the top design blogs for Moms:
Read more...Make Adorable Snack-Sized Cupcakes in Minutes with Babycakes »
This mini cupcake maker from Babycakes offers instant sweet-tooth gratification. With this product, you can bake eight mini cupcakes in just about five minutes, spending less energy and time than you would if using a traditional oven. Simply plug in the appliance, allow it to heat up, pour the batter, and watch for the indicator light to switch on and reveal that the cupcakes are ready.
Read more...Editing published blog posts – yay or nay? »
I’ve been blogging in a public forum for four years. On my personal blog, I have over 600 posts. In all that time, I’ve been asked to edit or remove a blog post a total of two times. That equals two extra times in my life that I’ve been irritated by my blog. Unnecessarily.
Read more...Easter egg salad two ways »
For me, some of most fun that I’ve had around Easter has come from decorating the eggs and searching for them early Easter morning. What made it even better was getting to eat my pre-made breakfast after my brother and I found them all. However, while I’m a big fan of eggs, others in my family are not and there were always a bunch of leftovers that just sat in the fridge until we eventually threw them out. What a waste.
Read more...Tips to manage child’s summer technology usage »
Summer is quickly approaching. Without school to cut down on the time tweens spend texting, surfing the Internet, and playing video games, it’s no surprise that kid’s technology usage increases during the summer months. While electronics provide fun pastimes for many kids, they shouldn’t take the place of outdoor baseball games and lemonade stands. It may seem challenging to convince kids that going outside can be more fun then playing Xbox, but with the right balance of technology and outdoor alternatives, your kids can have a fun and safe summer vacation.
Read more...Hidden gems at Cape Cod »
When traveling somewhere for the second, third, or tenth time, don’t succumb to the thought, “I’ve seen it all.” No matter where your travels lead you, if you look close enough you can discern the hidden gems - the teal streak on the pigeons neck, the burnt-match looking stamens within the tulip, or the heart shape stones hiding in the coves near the sea shore. New experiences don’t require new geographical locations. Take my word for it, I’ve been to Cape Cod every summer since I was give and I’m nowhere near close to being able to say, “I’ve seen it all.”
Read more...Say goodbye to hidden airline fees »
The gratification of finding the cheapest airline tickets for your yearly travels seems to be a rewarding ordeal. However, when hidden fees creep up behind you, the cheaper, eye-catching price isn’t what you end up paying.
Read more...Are commercials worth a Kindle discount? »
Advances in technology allow us to avoid commercials, if we choose. We fast forward through ads on television shows we watch from our DVR. We set pop-up blockers on our computers/ And we stream our playlists to avoid radio advertising. All of this causes advertisers to work harder finding ways to get our attention and sell a product.
Read more...The New Age of Smart Advertisements »
With all of the marketing that goes on around us everyday, it can be pretty easy to tune out all of the ads floating around us. On a daily basis, most people see ads in the form of billboards, commercials, online banner ads, mailing offers, or print ads. Every time we pick up a magazine, ride the subway, drive home from work, or go online there are product advertisements all vying for our attention. But what if each of these ads were actually for things that interested you personally? Would you pay attention more if all the things you saw were products you wanted to buy?
Read more...That’s a nice stroller! Test driving the iCandy peach stroller »
As I strolled my baby girl into Carters for a new Easter/birthday dress, both cashiers stared in awe, with mouths slightly agape, of the iCandy peach Kaia was riding around in. The iCandy peach was sent to me to test drive. I already have two strollers at home, so my husband was a little upset that I chose to bring yet another large baby product into our already cluttered home. I told him, “Honey, it’s just for a product review. I will either give it back, or give it to someone who needs it.” But I’m not giving it back. I mean this thing is a Cadillac compared to my other strollers. Kaia looks good in the iCandy.