Spring Into Next Season’s Trends: T.J. Maxx Spring Preview Event »
Aaah, shopping. Who doesn’t wish for armfuls of cash to use for a shopping spree at a favorite department store? Especially with spring just around the corner, we can almost smell the leather of the new sandals we’ve conjured up in our minds. Key to making our dreams come true are T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. Forget about having to store-hop or spend a fortune- the fabulous folks at TJ Maxx and Marshalls have scoured the market to bring fashionistas the best and brightest in today’s fashion, all at a fraction of the cost of those department stores we so hate to love.
Read more...St. Patrick’s Day festivities 2011 »
Green is absolutely my favorite color. Naturally, I love St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone sports some type of green apparel. Violators beware: the general rule is if you don’t wear some kind of green, you’re vulnerable to pinching! (Don’t forget to dress your child appropriately to avoid this!)
Read more...Translation apps for the worldly traveler »
A few years ago, I ventured into Vietnam, the tropical land where my ancestors came from. I’d never been to Vietnam, so I didn’t know what to expect besides the insanely hot heat. Travelling to a foreign country can be exciting, but also terrifying at the same time. Worrying about surviving in a completely different culture can make your head spin. In addition to adjusting to the time zones, currency, and culture, I had to figure out how I was going to communicate with the people! Although I speak fluent Vietnamese, I never learned to read or write it and being able to pick up a few words off of a street sign wasn’t going to cut it. Luckily, I my mom was with me and I could just follow her around.
Read more...Loving My Veggies with Angie Harmon and Hidden Valley »
Working with moms both in our office and through the many women I’ve met through social media, I constantly hear about the challenges of feeding picky eaters, particularly getting them to eat veggies. Tricks range from hiding veggies in food to blending them in shakes and include bribing or rewarding kids for just a few bites. However, one of my favorite suggestions does not hide what’s good for kids, but rather gets them to love veggies by dipping in the always-delicious ranch dressing.
Read more...Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse Review & Giveaway »
Tired of using the trackpad on your laptop? For those of us who prefer a regular mouse, Microsoft presents another option. The Arc Touch Mouse features a flexible tail that lays flats for easy storage, then snaps into an arched shape and automatically powers on the mouse. Read more and enter to win your own Arc touch mouse here!
Read more...Mediterranean Cooking at its Finest: Simply ZOV is Simply Spectacular »
Flipping through the gorgeous pages of Simply ZOV, I have come to the realization that this book is destined to obtain a spot on my easy to reach shelf of timeless cookbooks. Making its home next to classics such as the Joy of Cooking, these beautifully photographed and meticulously, yet simply, designed recipes have granted this book a permanent residence in my cookbook shelf.
Read more...Rock and Roll On the Go »
The iMainGox portable stereo gives a new meaning to the adage “good things come in small packages” in terms of a fabulous portable speaker for iPods.
Read more...Save Desk Space with the Sleek and Modern AviiQ Laptop Stand »
Unpacking my carry on after a business trip often proves quite the process as I reach in and pull out the thin, lightweight brochures, flyers and my laptop stand. No, that is not a typo – my new laptop stand actually takes up only the thinnest of space in my travel bag. Prior to one of “the best things since sliced bread”, in the office I used an awkwardly large French baquette of laptop stands complete with large, noisy fans and an unnecessary wingspan design that never seemed to fit anywhere. Is it just me, or should a laptop stand description not sound similar to that of an airplane?
Read more...3D Eyewear – The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades »
Industry analysts predict that there will be 64 million 3D television sets in use by the year 2018. That means over 200 million pairs of eyes will be wearing 3D glasses within 7 years! So it's time for TechDadCentral to learn about the two competing 3D technologies – active and passive -- and then offer up some advice.
Read more...Biscotti Babies review and giveaway »
A year ago today, I was smack in the middle of spending a fabulous semester studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I loved all things Italian before I went, but after four months of Italian living I became totally obsessed. Now that I am back in the US I love getting my hands on anything genuinely Italian or things that remind me of my time there. Naturally, this means I jumped at the chance to try Biscotti Babies from Edible Adventures.