Joining the Skype Revolution- and Roaming with Freetalk »
When Stacey Smith joined our Mom Central team last year, she insisted on talking with our team via Skype from her NYC office, and marveled that we did not have Skype turned on all day long. We dutifully logged in and kept logged on, and as she showed us the ease of zipping documents over Skype, sharing key links in the messaging box, doing video calls (where I got to virtually meet her daughter Chloe as well as see the huge icicles hanging off their home- in addition to face to face conversations about pressing business issues), conferencing in others, zipping on to talk with our Toronto-based Canada team- I in turn marveled how we had lived without Skype!
Read more...Family-friendly spring vacation ideas »
Every school year, I always look forward to spring break, not just for the week off of school, but because of the opportunity to travel to some exotic place and experience something new. However, I think the couple of Disney/Caribbean vacations I had with my family when I was in middle school may have clouded my expectations just a little bit. I always think, “This year will be the year that I finally do something new and exciting,” but given my limited college-student budget, nothing ever comes of my inner child’s high hopes for a wildly entertaining spring vacation.
Read more...Destination Dallas: Super Bowl activities »
I’m headed to Texas for the Super Bowl! No, that’s a lie. But I promise you can trust everything else I say in this article (probably). For those of you lucky enough to go to this year’s big game, the city of Arlington offers numerous chances for fun and chances to pump your hard earned money into the local economy.
Read more...You got an iPad … Now what? »
You just picked up an iPad and now you’re ready to rush head first into the tablet revolution. You cannot wait to hit the App Store and download those great productivity applications (aka Angry Birds). But first, consider protecting your investment. Plenty of choices to keep that iPad looking brand new.
Read more...MusicSkins Combine Practicality with Personality »
MusicSkins colorful and eye-catching vinyl skins prevent you from blending into the masses of iPod or smartphone users. The vinyl skins transform over 200 hand-held electronic devices into unique gadgets that showcase interests and personality while protecting the devices that many find themselves unable to live without. The skins provide the same protection as the average case without the bulkiness that often causes uncomfortable pocket bulge.
Read more...Garlic is Gold »
The flavor of garlic is irreplaceable in numerous recipes, but the messy peel and chop garlic process often leaves the flavor unexplored. Enter Garlic Gold.
Read more...Using technology to keep friends and family updated on baby’s important moments »
For new moms, finding the time to do just about anything other than focus on your little one can be a challenge as days quickly fill with feeding, changing, soothing and just being with your baby. Along with the new responsibilities of motherhood comes the need to keep parents, friends and relatives updated with pictures, videos, and stories of baby’s “firsts.” Creating a central online site can make it easier to keep everyone in the loop.
Read more...Clearing airport security with small kids »
This past November I traveled to Dallas with my family for the Thanksgiving holiday. This was my first time traveling as the mom of two. I was very anxious about the whole experience, especially the dreaded “getting through security” adventure. I get antsy when going through security on my own, so you can only imagine the pressure I put on myself when trying to usher two small little travelers along!