Power A LEGO Play & Build Remote »
Do you have this child on your list? He has everything. He loves LEGOs, video games, devices, and technology. He's easy to buy for if you are willing to pay the price for the expensive items he loves.
Read more...Thanksgiving leftovers: Turkey Cranberry Relish Scoops »
Did you know that leftover cranberry sauce is the part of the Thanksgiving meal that usually ends up in the trash? What a shame, especially when you can use it in all kinds of ways.
Read more...More diabetes and heart friendly Thanksgiving recipes from CanolaInfo »
We recently featured two diabetes-friendly, heart-smart holiday recipes by Cheryl Forberg, R.D., consulting dietitian to NBC-TV’s “The Biggest Loser” and CanolaInfo. Here are two more for your Thanksgiving table!
Read more...Diabetes friendly Thanksgiving sides: Porcini Mushroom Gravy and Cornbread and Dried Fruit Dressing »
Did you know that November is National Diabetes Month? Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 percent of all cases of diabetes, affects at least 24 million American adults and children. People with diabetes are at significantly greater risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S.
Read more...The road annually traveled: advice for your Thanksgiving road trip »
For my family, Thanksgiving means the three Ts: turkey, togetherness, and travel. Fortunately for me, I have only experienced preparing the first T (turkey) once. All other years since I became a parent, I prepared for the last T (travel). I've done a lot of holiday driving as we traveled between 200 to 500 miles to visit family each Thanksgiving.
Read more...The Truth About Men: Book Review »
Think of a definition of what a "good" man is? How about a "successful" man? These inherent definitions have changed since the days when men roamed the Earth beating drums and using crude paints on cave walls. Though our core values have stayed the same, the ways we attempt to exist as a "good" and "successful" man have certainly evolved.
Read more...A review of Art Academy for the Nintendo DS »
The product review team at Mom Central knows my nephews love reviewing games for the Nintendo DS and, quite honestly, no one here in the office admits to having expert DS gaming skills. So I gladly passed along the copy of Art Academy to Alex and Thomas, ages 9 and 7 ½ respectively, to further ensure my “favorite aunt” status.
Read more...Grandma’s latke recipe »
It’s Heritage Month in third grade at my son’s elementary school. Not only has ancestry.com become a lifesaver to us for the endless projects we’ve had to create: the family tree, the poster board of historical documents, pictures and stories about my sons great, great, grandparents and now this - a recipe to share with the entire third grade and all of their guests.
Read more...More in the Kitchen Tips »
Your days are a flurry of activity, filled with business meetings and carpools and doing the family laundry. It’s no wonder by the time 6pm rolls around, you’re ready to collapse in a chair and grope for a takeout menu. There are several ways that you can plan ahead to make life easier for yourself when it comes to preparing quick, easy, home-cooked meals for your family.
Read more...Peanut Butter and Food Allergies »
The dangers of severe food allergies were brought to media attention recently after the death of a Canadian teenager. Christina Desforges of Saguenay, Quebec, who had a severe allergy to peanuts, died in late November after kissing her boyfriend who had eaten a peanut butter sandwich hours earlier. What used to be a fairly uncommon allergy has become deadly for many children – and parents are growing increasingly concerned.