The eReader, a device even a casual reader can learn to love »
Before I start, I must confess that I don’t consider myself in the know when it comes to the latest technology, and by “technology” I mean anything more sophisticated than my Blackberry. So when I received an Amazon Kindle last Christmas, I wasn’t sure how it was going to fit into my stubbornly device-free lifestyle.
Read more...Best of the best food and kitchen innovations discovered at BlogHer Food »
A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to sample many new food products and gadgets at BlogHer Food. I wanted to share the handful that most stood out.
Read more...Curious Chef kitchen tools for kids »
Encourage your kids to get involved in the kitchen with these kid-friendly kitchen gadgets. Children love to be active and involved. When it comes to cooking, oversized and sometimes dangerous, utensils mean that children cannot take part, while toy utensils are often too small and are ineffective.
Read more...Dad’s Diet May Give Children Diabetes »
Interesting study in Sciene Magazine that shows that Dad's diet may contribute to their children getting diabetes. Research done on rats, show that fat male rats may actually pass diabetes down to their offspring.
Read more...Social media, clients and bloggers, oh my! »
I'm a social media gal who moonlights as a blogger. Or rather, I am a blogger who parlayed my past experience and my love of the blogosphere into this job, which is perfect for me, my interests, and my skill set.
Read more...The charming Deen brothers serve up Southern home cooking with passion »
Right before the BlogHer Food conference in San Francisco, I attended a lively cooking demonstration featuring the Deen brothers, Jamie and Bobby, and hosted by Beringer vineyards. The event was at Cellar 360 - a lofted, airy beautifully laid out wine store in Ghirradelli Square and looking out onto the expansive bay.
Read more...Baby Bjorn Comfort Carrier, better the second time around »
Most Moms know about Baby Bjorn and the brand name has also become a general moniker for any carrier used by baby and Mom. When my first daughter was born 13 years ago, someone gave me a brand new Bjorn. Having a baby on the larger size, and a weak back, I didn’t think the carrier was for me. I used it twice and passed it on to my cousin, practically new in the box. Thirteen years later with my newest little one, another cousin gave me a very well-loved Baby Bjorn she used with her son. My husband and I just love it and have put a few dozen miles on it.
Read more...LEGO Universe: OMG! What an amazing MMOG »
The hardest thing about writing this review was taking myself away from LEGO Universe long enough to finish it! That should tell you just how great this game is. LEGO Universe, the most recently released MMOG (massively multi-player online game) blew my mind. If you’ve played other LEGO video games you’ll have a bit of gaming experience. However, it’s also very different from typical LEGO games. Since it’s an online game, you can play with hundreds of players and build freely with every brick in existence. It’s one of the best games ever and the thing is, you never get tired of it. So with that said, we can move on.
Read more...Traveling with a guide…book »
Setting out to see the sights, no matter where you visit, comes with loads of historical background, trivia, shopping, and places to eat. If your family is anything like mine, without a plan we end up wandering for well over an hour arguing over which attraction to see or at which restaurant to eat. Since we’re on vacation, our time has to be perfect and memorable! As we’ve traveled more, I’ve wizened up and learned to get the most out of my trip.