A review of The Food Stylist’s Handbook »

I saw Denise Vivaldo, the author of The Food Stylist’s Handbook, present at Camp Blogaway earlier this year. She shared some funny stories and a few general tips, but kept her food styling secrets to herself. When I complained about the meager take away from the session, a friend remarked that Denise must be keeping all the good stuff for her book. Indeed she was as The Food Stylist’s Handbook chapter titles reveal:


A girls weekend in Ft Lauderdale “W” style »

It was a lonnnnng year. A cold, dreary, not-so-great winter before the start of a beautiful, albeit BUSY summer. So before the first bud sprouted on the tree outside my window, my sister proposed an all-girls weekend in sunny Florida. She didn't have to ask me twice - I was sold.


My visit to the United Egg Producers Conference »

Conventional vs. cage free – it it worth the extra money? Being an animal lover, I always wondered was it worth paying the extra money for cage-free eggs, and honestly what does cage free even mean? After listening to the experts and seeing the cages for myself, it was clear that one type of house is not better than the other.


My trip to Zadar, Croatia »

Sometimes sightseeing vacations can get a little overwhelming no matter your age, your kids ages, or worldly experience. Visiting a big city, especially one with a lot of historical significance, creates a desire to see everything while you’re there and leaves little downtime to actually enjoy where you’re staying. (I lived in Boston for six years and STILL didn’t get to everything I wanted to do!)


Dad’s Involvement Makes a Difference in Your Kids’ Life »

National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasted an interview called Dads Do Parenting and Education on Their Terms, as part of their series, "Tell Me More." The audio interview by Michel Martin features Dad Bloggers Lamar Tyler (Black and Married with Kids), Keith Wilcox (Almighty Dad), and Manny Ruiz (PapiBlogger), along with father of six, Glenn Ivey, the State Attorney for Prince George County, Maryland.


More Turning Online to Research Purchases »

A new study was released today by the Pew Research Center that looks at how we are researching products online. It goes on to show that "among internet users, 78% say that they at least occasionally conduct product research and 32% report that they have posted online product comments." Online influencers are talking, and apparently, customers are listening...


Need cookbook, will travel – collecting vacation destination cookbooks »

My family loves food. Really loves food. We love ethnic food, comfort food, spicy food, raw food (OK, not my daughter), plain food (OK, not mom or dad), grilled food, and food TV shows, like Top Chef, Iron Chef, and Chopped. We love to cook at home, as well as find great new neighborhood restaurants. And don’t get me started on food and wine pairings.


Brands working with bloggers: money for nothing or PR for free? »

Look, I'm not trying to beat a very dead horse with a very overused stick. I mean, everyone and their mother writes posts about bad PR pitches and the dichotomy between bloggers and brands. But after spending several months immersed in agency life, I just can't help it. I've seen what the other half “should” do and it's nothing like what I've been seeing for the last few years.


Encouraging your child’s online creativity with Weebly »

There are many perks to being a work-from-home mom. The 15 more minutes I have in the morning since I don’t have to apply the makeup. The ability to juggle the morning and afternoon bus stop regime. The money I save on my very own brewed coffee, breakfast and lunch. The list can certainly go on, and for this post, I will spare you the drawbacks. However, as I have been working in this capacity for almost eight years, the most rewarding part of working from home is how astute my children have become in understanding adult responsibility and a strong work ethic.


Traveling without technology »

We put over 120,000 miles on my minivan since we bought it nine years ago. We drove it all over California and up to Washington State and back again. Once, when a friend was visiting from Australia, we traveled over 3,000 We road trip. It's what we do.


Upgrading the family TV into movie streaming and gaming system »

I have fond memories of childhood sleepovers, where a few of my best girl friends and I would pack ourselves into my family’s living room and spend hours giggling over crushes while munching on popcorn and ice cream. These nights were never complete without a visit to our local video store. Accompanied by a parent, we’d pace the isles and debate the merits of each possible selection – Home Alone, The Sandlot or Beauty and the Beast?!