Taking the family to the Monterey Bay Aquarium »
A visit to Monterey must include a day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This world-renowned, best-in-the-nation aquarium is spectacular. You can spend a full day exploring the underwater world that is brought to life inside the walls of this beautiful research facility/family attraction.
A family visit to Monterey, California »
Most travelers to California come to the big cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Some may explore Santa Barbara as well, but another city worth a visit is Monterey. Famous for its aquarium, the city is also home to historic Cannery Row and has some of the best whale watching in California.
Read more...Avoid pesticides: the best and the worst in fruits and vegetables »
Have you heard of “The Dirty DozenTM”? This is a list of the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables you can buy, as tested by the Environmental Working Group (a team of scientists, engineers, policy experts, lawyers, etc.) and compiled into the EWG Shoppers Guide to Pesticides.
Read more...A family vacation to the Curtain Bluff Resort in Antigua »
Mom Central CEO, Stacy DeBroff and her family recently vacationed at Antigua’s all inclusive Curtain Bluff Resort. While there they enjoyed fabulous food (including a real British “high tea”) water skiing, tennis, boating and more including a trip to their spa and to see the island.
Read more...Zagg-nut »
I've become power-obsessed. No, I'm not considering the overthrow of a small nation (TechDadCentralia ?!?) but rather I spend way too much time worrying about how much battery power I have left on my various hand-held devices. Growing up in the 70's, some of my fondest memories were spending time with my Great Aunt & Uncle who lived in the small mining town of California, PA -- about 30 miles due south of Pittsburgh. My Uncle Frank was the proud owner of a Lincoln Continental Mark IV and I always found it fascinating that whenever the car's gas gauge dropped below three-quarters, my uncle went on a quest to find the nearest service station in order to "top off the tank". His unwavering devotion to a full tank always made me laugh.
Read more...Meet Sara Brzowsky, a great Mom Blogger at Parade! »
Moms are natural facilitators. We want to use our energy and empathy to smooth things out,wipe up tears, make things better. We don't want to be killjoys is how DeBroff puts it. (In myexperience, the best moms are the ones who are exactly that on occasion). And yet we all know thatwe have to withdraw, little by little, so that our children can learn to do more for themselves—whether it's in the area of personal hygiene, schoolwork or human relations. Some moms are better atthis than others, but many are struggling. Obviously, if you lay out your kids clothes every singlemorning, he isn’t going to know how to choose his outfit by himself; if you speak to his teacherabout a homework issue, he won’t learn how to have that discussion himself; and we all know, don’twe, that trying to solve a social problem for your child (after a certain age) generally spellsdisaster.
Read more...How to travel with a baby »
During the summer and the holidays, many families travel to visit relatives or explore new places. Traveling doesn't have to stop when you have a baby. It can be challenging, but with the following tips, traveling with your baby can be an enjoyable experience.
Read more...How to feel pretty and pregnant »
Pregnancy is a very exciting time in a woman's life. From the moment you saw a positive result on the home pregnancy test to the time you feel the baby move inside of you, pregnancy includes a full spectrum of emotions. The initial feelings are generally those of excitement and nervousness. As you read books, take classes, and listen to advice from others, you become more comfortable with the idea of pregnancy. However, nobody tells you that as you get bigger, you feel big and unattractive. Here are some fun ways you can feel pretty and pregnant.
Read more...California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco »
My oldest son's fascination with the albino alligator caused us to journey back to see it several times during the day. (It helped it was located next to the bathrooms.) Once when we approached, a docent was conducting an information session about the swamp habitat which contained the alligator. We listened, asked questions, and learned.
Read more...How to encourage children to eat healthy foods »
I have three boys and am amazed by how quickly they are growing. As they grow, I want them to get all the nutrients their little bodies need. It can become challenging when they go through the “picky eating” stages, especially with foods that are healthy. So, how do you encourage young children to eat healthy foods?