24 Hour Cribside Assistance from NewDadManual.ca »

Ask any Dad you know - having a new baby comes with challenges. Unlike the latest gadget you purchased, new babies do not arrive equipped with an owner’s manual and detailed step-by-step instruction pamphlet. For new Dads feeling lost within the realm of parenting, the Ontario Network Father Involvement Initiative has set out to provide online “cribside assistance” to those in need.


Obsessed With an iPhone App: Drop7 »

A few months ago, when my Blackberry decided to show me nothing but the spinning hourglass, I drove straight to the AT&T store to replace it. Immediately. I could not imagine a day without on-the-go access to a phone or email. Turns out my timing was lousy as they did not have a single Blackberry in stock.


I just can’t wait for Lion King 3D »

You know how it starts. The tribal, ethnic call echoes throughout the theater and whenever I hear it, I get chills. The music swells, the singing begins and the images of animals fill the screen. I’ve seen this movie dozens of times, but this time it’s different. This time the animals walk out of the screen towards the audience. The flocks of birds soar in multi-dimensions as we view them from above. I adored this movie when I first saw it, and now they made it even better. How can that be?


New Hampshire’s family friendly theme parks »

A few weeks ago my entire family and I went on a fun-filled vacation to New Hampshire to visit Story Land and Santa’s Village. My parents wanted to treat their youngest grandkids to this special vacation, so my husband, two children, two sisters and their families joined them in the beautiful white mountains of New Hampshire for four days of theme-parked fun. We had seven adults and nine children under the age of 10 in our party, and made quite a scene at the restaurants asking for a table for 16!


Truly Truchard – A Perfectly Appealing Pinot »

My husband and I recently invited some new friends over for dinner and the talk turned to wine. When one of our guests professed his love for red wine, saying, “we drink red with everything – fish, chicken – everything,” I heaved a sign of relief, noting the two bottles of red wine on the table.


Make Four Bean Salsa for your Labor Day party »

When mid-afternoon hits, my taste buds start going wild. They crave things crunchy and salty, yet healthy and filling. How to satisfy all of their wants creates quite the challenge. From granola bars to bowls of cereal, nothing I tried in the past filled every craving.


How to Purchase a Domain Name for Your Blog »

If you’re starting a new blog, you’ll need to purchase a domain name for it. If you have self-hosted WordPress blog, your host probably offers free domain registration with your hosting package. However, if you use another platform, like TypePad, you’ll have to register the domain on your own.


Off the beaten path in Panguitch, Utah at the Gem Theater »

We made the promise to my oldest son years ago as we waited in line at midnight for the release of the long-awaited seventh book in the series. It went something like this: “When the last Harry Potter movie comes out, we promise to take you to the midnight screening.” Jump ahead to a month ago. Our family sat at the edge of Bryce Canyon in Southern Utah overlooking the view, the last Harry Potter movie was scheduled to start in about 12 hours. And I faced breaking that promise. The nearest movie theater was at least 80 miles away.


Fall-tastic family travel »

September means backpacks, homework, and busy schedules. From packing lunch boxes to lacing up your child’s new soccer cleats, the fall often leaves you and your family wishing that summer vacations that took months to plan hadn’t flown by so quickly.


Labor Day Blueberry Cobbler »

My favorite part about the end of summer is berry season – the guarantee that I can put blueberries on my cereal in the morning, because my family always picks too many at the start of the season.


Jazzing up your summer salads »

Somehow we’ve reached the end of August. Here in the Northeast, cooler weather looms around the corner. If we’re luckily, we'll enjoy warm sunny days for a few more weeks. While I'd never complain about beautiful weather, in the kitchen, I've hit the summer doldrums. Having tapped all my light lunch cool dinner recipes, most everything seems old and unappealing. Searching for something new, I came across a 2009 New York Times article that gives 101 fresh ideas for jazzing up a salad. Here are a few of my favorites: