The Crane Electric Fireplace Heater Looks Great as it Delivers Warmth

The Crane Electric Fireplace Heater Looks Great as it Delivers Warmth

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Disclosure: We received a product sample from Crane to facilitate our review. All opinions are our own.

Sometimes, we just need a little extra heat – whether for a room in our home that feels more drafty than others, or because the cold affects us more than it does others. No matter the reason, the alternative heat source we desire must prove effective, discreet, and light enough to be portable.

We can say goodbye to the stodgy space heaters from the days of yore – the ones that look mechanical and awkward in our homes or offices – Crane USA has taken alternative heating to a gorgeous, new level, with a design that resembles a cozy, small fireplace… flickering firelight and all! We can even choose our favorite color casing to ensure our Crane Electric Fireplace Heater complements its new setting.


Unlike other heaters, this energy-efficient, ceramic heater proves both compact and portable, with a size of 12”x15”x7.5”, and light enough to carry around with the help of its convenient carrying handle. Not only does it warm up whatever room it is in quietly and quickly, but we can select our desired level of warmth from 750W of heat, and 1500W of heat, or simply enjoy the glow of the fireplace as ambient light, no heat required!


With the cold winter weather encroaching, Crane Electric Fireplace Heaters make an awesome home addition for the holidays, and they’re easily tucked away as the weather warms up in spring. They retail for $89.99 MSRP although we’ve seen them for less at online retailers like

Photo Credits: Crane & Getty Images

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Natalie Rea
Natalie Rea
Mom to two amazing daughters - a feisty teen in middle school, and an ambitious young adult in university. Originally from Montréal's West Island, I now explore the beautiful trails of Hamilton, Ontario. Proud Canadian, vegetarian, dog-adopter, & bleeding-heart liberal. I smile a lot because I have Resting Bitch Face.
Natalie Rea