Family Pets – Are You Ready for One?

Family Pets – Are You Ready for One?

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FamilyPets2My family includes three beloved dogs and a cat. Although I never saw myself as a “pet person”, years ago my kids talked me into getting a dog. I did the research, determined Whippets were the ideal breed for our family, and always one to go-big-or-go-home, I got TWO instead of one (for company, of course)!

Fast forward a few years, when my mother moved in, bringing her miniature Schnauzer, and later adopting a cat, and this “not a pet-person” lives with FOUR animals.

We love our pets, and although they’re a lot of work, have ruined a few carpets, more than a few shoes, and hard to find sitters for when we need to go away, the love and fun they’ve brought to our family far outweighs any of the negatives.

If you’re considering pets for your family, here are some thoughts on the benefits they can bring:

  • Having a pet encourages emotional development in little ones, and brings out their nurturing nature.
  • They teach kids values – pets don’t only require food and shelter, they also need attention, affection, understanding, etc.
  • Having a pet is like having a built-in best friend. A child’s pet can act as their soft place to fall if they’ve had a rough day or just need some quiet love.
  • For kids who feel awkward in social situations, a pet can be a fabulous social facilitator! Other kids flock to pets and excited conversation often follows.
  • Having a pet in the home can help our littlest ones practice motor skills (ever seen a determined not-yet-crawling baby try to get to the family pet?)
  • Owning a dog, in particular, encourages family time as they need to be walked. Do it as a family and enjoy each others’ company and the neighborhood!
  • If your kids are at the right age, having a pet can help teach responsibility. Kids can help feed, bathe, groom, walk, or clean up after their pet.
  • And believe it or not, many believe there exist health benefits to pet ownership, like decreased stress levels, improved immunity and mood! Look it up.

FamilyPets3A pet is for life, so families have to make the right decision for them. You likely have plenty of friends and family members who would loan you their pet for a trial period. Shelters also offer temporary fostering for families who aren’t sure about making a permanent decision just yet. If you’re considering bringing a pet into your family, do lots of research and don’t make the decision lightly. And if you do decide to take the plunge, please check out local shelters first. Sites like Petfinders make it easy to adopt a wonderful pet in need of a forever home. There’s a whole world of unconditional love waiting for you, and bonus, many shelter animals come housetrained!

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Natalie Rea
Natalie Rea
Mom to two amazing daughters - a feisty teen in middle school, and an ambitious young adult in university. Originally from Montréal's West Island, I now explore the beautiful trails of Hamilton, Ontario. Proud Canadian, vegetarian, dog-adopter, & bleeding-heart liberal. I smile a lot because I have Resting Bitch Face.
Natalie Rea