FlingSmash Wii Game Review

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Technology continues to develop, and to get ahead of competitors companies need to stay updated on the latest advancements. To create more interactive video games, companies made games more virtual, forcing the player to move around while playing. Wii helped start this phenomenon and has now further developed its remotes and sensors.


FlingSmash, a game located on beautiful, dangerous beaches, brings stimulation and motion compared to the average video game. It comes with a Wii Remote Plus controller that has all-in-one motion sensing capabilities that allow the participant to play with a particular swiping and swinging motion. The game takes place on the tropical Suthon Island that the hero, Zip, must save from an evil villain. Fling Zip around like a speeding pinball to destroy the malicious obstacles standing in his way. The increased sensitivity of the Wii Remote Plus creates a natural fluid movement while zooming through the eight different worlds of the game. As the levels progress, so does the difficultly, changing the size and weight of Zip and well as the currents of the wind. This engaging game will improve hand-eye coordination by using the same motion as swinging a tennis racket to hit a ball. Entertain your kids and get them up and moving with this improved technology and stirring game.


Moms Central Consulting received a FlingSmash Wii game to facilitate this review.

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