Fourth of July family travel tips and ideas

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Every summer, my family ventures down to Cape Cod to celebrate the Fourth of July on the beach with friends and loved ones. I’m lucky enough to have a timeshare in Mashpee that includes a grill that I share with family, and some friends. However, Fourth of July anywhere can be a blast. Here are some ideas to make your celebration worthwhile wherever you are this year.

Make a running splash: Slip and Slides can be fun for children and adults alike! Traditional slip and slides you can find cheap to purchase, usually running around $18 average at Toys ‘R’ Us, Walmart, or Target. If you’re like my family, we went a little more original. My dad would lay down a tarp (making sure to choose a soft area of sand if near the beach or to test the land for any possible bumps that could be dangerous), add a hose, and for some more fun add soap to make a bubbly splash! Take turns on a slippery, fun ride that encourages exercise while incorporating a lot of fun and laughter.

Get competitive: No safe place in sight for a Slip and Slide? Maybe the day runs so hot you need more ways to stay cool. More water games include a water balloon or water gun fight. With enough people, elimination play can be a fun and competitive way to run around, but you can also play with teams. To increase competition, set a fun prize for the winners such as getting to serve themselves first at the barbeque. If you’d prefer to stay dry, get the kids up and moving with a fun relay race! On a nice day, outdoors holds the most possibilities for fun.

Start cooking: I couldn’t crave anything but barbeque on the Fourth of July. Wherever you travel, as long as there’s a grill, a Fourth of July barbeque can get cookin’! Cheeseburgers, beggie burgers, hot dogs, and potato salad make up my favorites but at a home barbeque, you can concoct any menu desirable. Top it off with an easy to make flag cake! All you need is whipped cream, strawberries, and blueberries!

A warm ending: My family loves our fire pit. Depending on size, a portable fire pit can run anywhere between $50 to over $200, but it’s worth it. At the end of the barbeque, when the family feels worn out from all the fun, nothing’s nicer than sitting by a fire and hanging out. My family likes to end our chaotic summer days by doing just this every Fourth of July.

Lucky enough to travel to the beach? Enjoy the simple bliss of the roar of the ocean while watching the flames of the fire.

Prepare for a BOOM: Whether in the Cape or my own back yard in Massachusetts, I always went to watch the fireworks on the Fourth. If you check your local area the display may be closer than you expected. The beautiful bursts of color over the ocean always flood the show I enjoy on the beach, but surrounded by people you love, any kind of display will be enjoyable.

Whether you travel far this summer, or just stick to your own back yard, use these fun tips to make the best of your Fourth of July, wherever that may be.

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