Cuisinart Burr Grind & Brew Solves All Your Coffee Needs

Cuisinart Burr Grind & Brew Solves All Your Coffee Needs

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Disclosure: We received this product for review. All opinions are our own.

We know that a great tasting cup of coffee starts with your beans, and your method of brewing. Cuisinart makes it easier than ever to make a freshly ground, freshly brewed cup of coffee with its latest coffee maker.

The Cuisinart Burr Grind & Brew ensures that you have all the tools in one place to grind and brew fresh, hot coffee just the way you want it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This unit is perfect for people with limited countertop space, as it eliminates the need for an additional grinder. The burr grinder sits atop the machine, and can hold up to a half pound of beans that are fed right into the machine. It even eliminates the need for an additional canister to hold your beans!




The Grind & Brew 12-Cup Coffeemaker features an innovative DirectFlow grind assembly that seamlessly moves coffee through the professional-style burr grinder right into the brew basket. An AutoRinse feature makes sure all coffee grounds enter the brew basket to make clean-up exceptionally easy! A burr grinder is my pref

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAerence over blade grinder, as it creates a more controlled, uniform grind.

 The LCD screen on this machine makes it simple to grind and brew coffee just when you want it and just how you like it.

You can easily program when you want your coffee to brew, and even when you want to clean the unit.

The Grind Control function on the LCD screen indicates how many cups will be brewed. You can also adjust the strength – regular, bold, and extra bold – based on your coffee preference, so that you are grinding the perfect amount of beans for your taste.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA While we love fresh ground coffee, we know that sometimes you have already pre-ground coffee at the ready. Not to worry, as this machine can brew that too! If using pre-ground coffee, start by using 1 level scoop (1 tablespoon) of ground coffee per cup, and later adjust the amount to your taste.

Ever just find that you can’t wait to have that first cup? The unit features a Brew Pause function, so that you can pause the brewing cycle to pour yourself a cup before the cycle has finished.

We love that the unit comes equipped with a charcoal water filter, to keep your water tasting great, and a gold-tone permanent filter that eliminates the resulting waste from and cost of paper filters.

Visit for more information. Happy brewing!

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Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey