Here’s to you, work-at-home-mom

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I am just back from a vacation in sunny Florida with my kids. For one week, it was just myself, and two little girls under the age of five. Sure, there were some grandparents around to feed them candy at bedtime and buy them pretty much whatever they chose at the toy store, but at the end of the day, it was just them and me.

Me with them.

Them against me.

Needless to say, I was NOT reluctant to return to my out-of-the-house job today. I was not reluctant at all. If you have kids then you know what I mean.

If you are a mom blogger who works from home, I salute you. If the majority of your day is spent filling the requests of small people – for water, for help getting the game started, for help getting the color to stay inside the lines – while you try to write something of value for the dozens of brands and topics you have committed blog space to, I commend you.

Because for one week, I could hardly vacation properly, so preoccupied was I in tending to the needs of small people.

To all you work-at-home-moms, this one’s for you.


Jill Notkin blogs at The Daily Grind of a Work at Home Mom when she’s not tweeting@AlexCaseyBaby. She is also the Managing Director of MotherTalk division at Mom Central Consulting.

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