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As the Mom of a three-year old, music plays a large part of our daily routine. Whether bopping around to my own personal favorite tunes while making breakfast, singing along to nursery rhymes in the car, or relaxing to soothing lullabies at bedtime, we enjoy a wide array of music. My daughter loves to sing aloud and has a natural ability to remember the rhythm and beat of her favorite songs, then makes up her own lyrics. It's very sweet to hear! As she grows older, I look forward to introducing her to more genres of music, as well as the basic concepts, such as notes, harmony and tempo.

One fun way to bring more music into your child’s life is with the Freddie the Frog book and CD series. We were fortunate to receive a copy of the first book from this series, Freddie the Frog and the Thump in the Night, and I eagerly raised my hand to review it with my daughter. She equally loves to read books, so I was very excited to let her simultaneously experience two of her favorite activities. Below is a quick snippet about the Freddie and the Frog series.
Now a nationally beloved fictional children's book character, Freddie the Frog has become the mascot of music education for kids. Developed and authored by music teacher and speaker Sharon Burch, these books and companion CDs provide an accessible, entertaining and highly effective form of literature-based music education that kids absolutely love.  

My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed the Freddie the Frog story and accompanying music. The storyline itself is very fun and entertaining, with Freddie exploring “Treble Clef” Island in search of the mysterious thump sound he keeps hearing. He meets many fun characters along the way, none so much as the supposed monster making the thump! The CD features a narrative of the story, as well as a few songs and author’s comments. The music that plays throughout the book is very cute, and my daughter loved listening along as the story unfolded.

One thing to point out is that I felt parts of the story were a little advanced for my three-year old, as I try to avoid any books with mentions of monsters, or animals trying to eat other animals (in this story, Freddie encounters a frog-eating crocodile!).  I, of course, found these to be amusing and entertaining highlights, but just not quite appropriate for a very young reader. I have read the book to her several other times and simply paraphrased those parts. For more information on Freddie the Frog, please click here:

Two lucky Mom Central readers will each win a copy of Freddie the Frog and a Thump in the Night. To enter, leave a comment below about Freddie the Frog and tell us why you'd like to read it with your child.

This giveaway is now closed.

Disclosure: Mom Central received one copy of Freddie the Frog and the Thump in the Night for review and two additional copies to give away to readers.

Amy Turner is VP of Client Strategy for Mom Central, helping brands connect with Moms through cutting-edge social media campaigns. She is also a wife, proud mom of two and devoted owner of a Belgian Malinois.

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