Influence Central received a sample of the Cold Bruer to facilitate this review. All opinions are our own.
Many times when I’ve purchase iced coffee on the go, it’s not strong enough for my liking. This can happen when regularly brewed hot coffee is diluted with ice. So, when I make coffee at home using my coffee pot, I worked out a decent formula to use half the water and fill the coffee pot with a handful of ice cubes so that the hot brewed coffee cools down and doesn’t get too watered down in the process.
I was very excited to discover a product that would help me create the clean taste of cold brewing at home in an easy and precise way without having to engage in my ice and water science experiment on my way out the door – the Cold Bruer!
The Cold Bruer is a slow-drip cold brew coffee maker that represents a new, efficient way to brew coffee at home. The Bruer’s slow-drip process brings out the best of the natural differentiating characteristics of cold brewed beans, without the possibility of over-extraction.
The team at Bruer provided us with a Bruer and some Ethiopian Boke coffee from Temple Coffee Roasters in Sacramento, California to try out the device.

The instructions are simple – measure about 60 ounces of ground beans and insert them above the filter. Place a small paper filter over the grounds, and “pre-wet” the coffee by pouring about an ounce of water on them. (Be sure to be gentle! I poured too quickly on my first attempt and it was too much for the paper filter to stay in place). In this process, you will see a bit of liquid coffee drip through the filter and into the glass carafe.
Then pour a mixture of ice and water slowly into the device and adjust the plunger so that water flows through it at a rate of about 1 drip per second. Your coffee will slowly but surely begin to brew.

The Bruer is ideal for making iced coffee ahead of time. The coffee I made took about five hours to brew. However, once it is in the carafe, you can easily seal off the air with the rubber cover provided, and store it in your refrigerator for up to a week. I made my coffee at night, put it in the refrigerator before bed, and woke up to a deliciously chilled pot of coffee to add some ice to in the morning.

I must say, the coffee from my Bruer was one of the most delicious cups of coffee that I have ever tasted, let alone made at home! The flavors were fresh, robust, and exciting – and it didn’t taste burnt, weak, or over-processed.
For more information on Bruer, visit