Mom Central was provided with complimentary My First Movies tickets to facilitate this review. The views expressed here are entirely our own.
With an abundance of movies to watch, finding the perfect one that’s suitable for the entire family can be quite a challenge. With a shortage of appropriate, child-friendly movies available, planning a trip to the movies is a nearly impossible task. Plus, bringing babies and toddlers to a feature-length film – even one for children – can be more than they’re often up for. Luckily My First Movies presented by BabyFirst caters specifically to this dilemma!
Designed with toddlers in mind, My First Movies creates the ultimate interactive and child-friendly atmosphere. Don’t worry about your child’s fear of the dark, My First Movies keeps the lights on throughout the short movie, inviting both children and parents to dance, sing and enjoy the array of fun and educational films.
Also there’s an appearance from Baby First’s: Mitten the Kitten who emcees the movie. Parents will feel at ease, knowing that the content is crafted specifically for their children and kids will have a great time singing and dancing along to fun and entertaining movies!
We were fortunate to receive a complimentary pair of tickets to a local My First Movies showing, and happy to say the show did not disappoint our two-year-old reviewer and her mom! Thanks to the non-stop cold and blustery weather in the Boston area, going to the movies was the perfect activity for them to experience together, as they had exhausted most play spaces and indoor activities by this point. The movie they saw – Harry’s Big Birthday Countdown – was adorable and Olivia loved clapping, signing and bopping along. The theatre atmosphere was perfect for her first experience at the movies, and they’re excited to go again!
My First Movies play Saturday and Sundays at 11:00 am through April at select theatres. For more information and to check participating theatres, go to