Influence Central received the NES Remix game to facilitate our post. All opinions are our own.
For those of yo
u who may have purchased a Nintendo WiiU or Nintendo 3DS for the family this holiday season, you may need to make a purchase for yourself – the Nintendo NES Remix Pack!
Nintendo recently released the NES Remix, where your favorite classic Nintendo games are brought back with a twist – a series of mini-mash-ups that feature short, timed challenges. Each of the 25 games – which include Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda and more – bring back your favorite opponents to thwart, and along with that, fond memories of playing these games during your childhood!
I loved the challenges in Super Mario Bros. 3, which was one of my favorite Nintendo games as a kid. Defeating goombas? I can handle that!

Some of the challenges are a bit harder than others – you have to really hustle to collect all these coins, but after a few times, I was able to nail it!

I loved the game Dr. Mario as a kid – but think I need to brush up my skills! I was having a hard time meeting the time requirements for this one – guess it will help me brush up on my hand eye coordination!

We can’t forget about Mario’s brother Luigi – and the NES Remix features fun challenges from Super Luigi World – like having Mario’s shyer yet higher-jumping bro tackle Bowser in his castle.

The Legend of Zelda challenges brought back the days when I would rent this video game from my local variety store!

There are also fun sports-related games, including golf , ExciteBike and ice hockey.

All in all, the NES Remix Pack is a great game that the whole family can enjoy – kids can certainly appreciate these challenges too, and it’s a fun way to sample some of your favorite levels in a game without having the time to commit to conquering the whole “land.”
It also is going to inspire me to visit the Nintendo eshop and download the full versions of a few of these classics for my WiiU!
For more information on the game, visit
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