Written By: Lorianne Lacey
Influence Central received the console and the game The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, to facilitate our post. All opinions are our own.

We’re only a few months into 2015, and we’re already seeing the innovation that this year is bringing! Nintendo announced that the new Nintendo 3DS XL (available as of February 13, 2015) is on the market and is bringing portable gaming to an entirely new level with newly designed enhancements and features, offering the smoothest gaming on the go option yet.
New Nintendo 3DS XL features a wider range of controls with the addition of a C Stick and ZL/ZR buttons, super-stable 3D via face-tracking technology and built-in NFC functionality that allows for communication with amiibo figures. If you haven’t heard of amiibos, you should! They’re figurines shaped like your favorite Nintendo personalities designed to connect with your Wii U games, and now have built-in support on the Nintendo 3DS XL. Amiibos unlock compatible games and can be associated with your mii Nintendo personality. Tap an amiibo figure to the near-field communication (NFC) reader on the lower screen to enjoy amiibo features in compatible games. You can score bonus items and content and customize your own character.

One of my favorite features on the Nintendo 3DS XL is the face-tracking 3D, which makes for a super stable viewing experience. The system’s inner camera recognizes your viewing angle, and is able to adjust the display to best meet your eyes.

By upgrading to this system, you won’t lose any of your favorite games! Users can still play all Nintendo 3DS games and nearly all games from previous systems such as Nintendo DS and DSi. And, some future titles will be exclusively playable on the New Nintendo 3DS XL. The new system does not come with a power charger, which is sold separately, but is compatible with those of previous DS systems so you won’t have to buy a new one if you have one from your current portable gaming console.

We were able to see the features of the 3DS XL in action as we played the new game,
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D This game is great for children as well as adults to play, and features exciting tasks and challenges along with stunning scenery. The game is a remastered and enhanced version of the classic Nintendo 64 game, and it’s unlike any other game in The Legend of Zelda series. Our hero Link is challenged to save the world in just 72 hours by solving elaborate puzzles, conquering dungeons while on this suspenseful adventure. Link is challenged to collect over 20 masks to complete his challenge.

Playing this game on the new 3DS XL allows you to really demonstrate the smooth 3D viewing capabilities, along with the smooth camera control of the game map using the C stick. You can even access your inventory using the touch screen. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, or just need a refresher, there’s a very helpful tutorial that helps you get up to speed, and demonstrates how to best use the console to best make it through the challenges. From the very beginning, the beautiful, fantasy-like graphics are gripping, and take you into this exciting world of Link in smooth, clear, 3D!
The Nintendo 3DS XL system is available at a suggested retail price of $199.99, and comes in red and black colors.