PENNY LU PORCUPINE by Katie Gilstrap

PENNY LU PORCUPINE by Katie Gilstrap

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Illustrated by Maribel Lechuga

A fun picture book about a short-sighted porcupine who has to rely on her sense of smell, from tree bark to berries, to tell her way around the forest where she lives. Due to her poor eyesight, she can’t tell when the dreaded big bear is near, mistaking dead trees and rock formations as her potential foe. When Penny eventually encourages the bear she relies on her bravery and bravado, raising her pointy quills high in the air. The bear lumbers off suitly impressed. As Penny goes back to her happy forest life she mused, “even THE BEAR won’t dare to eat a creature with needles for hair!” Cute!

Thanks to Nancy Paulsen books for a review copy.

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Stacy DeBroff
Stacy DeBroff
Stacy DeBroff, founder and CEO of Mom and social and digital consultancy, Influence Central, is a social media strategist, attorney, and best-selling parenting author. A sought-after expert for national media, she trend-spots regularly with national brands and speaks frequently to national and international audiences on a wide range of subjects, including influencer marketing, social media, entrepreneurship, and consumer trends. A passionate cook, gardener, reader, and tennis player, she adores this new chapter of post-college-age parenting.
Stacy DeBroff